"No, I'm a frayed knot".
Ouch! :)
... and it bumped into a concrete wall.
you know what he said?.
"No, I'm a frayed knot".
Ouch! :)
my jw spies tell me that the kingdom halls are empty compared to how they used to be, since i left 5 years ago.
not saying they're empty because of me though.. is that what you are hearing?.
The area where I live is in an economic boom, big time. Our locale was designated one of the fastest growing cities in the USA.
The congregations around here seem to be about the same. They do not reflect the massive growth going on all around them.
My 5 year observation.
justice mcclellen asked g.jackson about compensation for victims of child abuse , and mcclellan suggested it be by a consortium of groups , presumably religious and secular in nature as a pool to dispense approppiate compensation to all of the victims involved .. g.jackson hesitated and said they would have to look at the details of that proposal , before committing to it.. jehovah`s witnesses consider themselves as the only true religion and ,all others as false religion .. they take pains to separate themselves from from any association with other religions , not even being included in newspaper notices about church services.they want to keep themselves separate and distinct from false religion as they see them.. so how do you think they will handle this suggestion / requirement ?
will they join in aligning themselves with "babylon the great" in compensation .?.
didn`t they align themselves with another religion in the u.s.a. some years ago , that had to do with the w.t.
They take pains to separate themselves from from any association with other religions , not even being included in newspaper notices about church services.They want to keep themselves separate and distinct from false religion as they see them.
Until they get caught up in a child sex abuse cover-up scandal and then they just want to blend in with the rest of Christendom as if they are nothing unusual, different, distinct. Just a normal, average religion with normal, average problems just like everyone else.
"Nothing to see here folks."
so once again i was able to make a comment to tweak those who were at this mornings wt parrot session using their own printed words.
the question on par.
10 was, "why is flirting dangerous?".
OFS: ... he did come up to me shortly after the final prayer and mentioned how he appreciated my unique perspective, and how it was refreshing to hear someone not afraid to "tell it like it is".
in today's wt study it makes the point that just glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and can lead to sex!.
so are jw's now to wear blinkers?.
also jw's are told to go and confess to the elders if they have any immoral thoughts?!!.
the big day finally arrived!
these amazing royal commission proceedings are available on youtube :).
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2 will soon be available.. part 1:.
hi everyone ,with the change in the format of this site i realised it might be easier now to change my avatar to be actually of me rather than a screaming little horror ,sure i get that way sometimes but i think presenting myself as i am is probably better.
it is a pix of me climbing part of the beautiful flinders ranges in south australia some time ago ,kind of symbolizes the struggle out of the wts ,it turned out to be a beautiful climb and worth it.. if anyone recognises me please feel free to pm maybe we can catch up.
Hey you... uhm..... Me!... uh... Wozza.
Fellow hiker, eh? I'm off to to a portion of the Bartram Trail in North Carolina, USA this weekend. I don't recognize you but if you're ever in the neighborhood (Appalachian/Blue Ridge Mtns) give me a holler.
yes or no.......what say you?.
i'll start - no!.
Geoffrey Jackson, I have one thing to say...
i always sit in the same spot, just outside starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
i say "always," but not today.. somebody with two laptops and a table filled with business ledgers was in "my" favorite spot!.
so, i took a tiny wooden table inside the coffee shop on a long padded bench next to 3 other identical tables.. as the clickbait banner ads like to say: "and what happened next was simply unbelievable!".
This is a great story Terry. Thanks for sharing it.
I copy/pasted your OP and sent it to a couple of friends (ex-jdubs) and I know they will enjoy it.
Some day I'd like to buy you a coffee and just listen to you. We can sit just outside Starbucks in a vestibule area with a table in the air-conditioned space.
ask any jw the question "why do jehovah's witnesses impose their views on others?
we do not impose our views on anyone!".
do you impose your views on others?