Well I hope the brothers can at least still get SAVED through works.
"Please, Watchtower... don't take away our salvation too."
bethel in brazil (and i think in other countries as well) when a jw does 10 years of regular pioneer (or other form of full-time service) it can ask to stay three days in bethel.no longer in brazil, according to a letter sent today to all the congregations in brazil:ref .
: accommodation in betheldear brothers:in recent years, there has been a great privilege to stay in bethel those be welcome for over 10 years as regular pioneers and be encouraged by the zeal they have shown.
- rom.
Well I hope the brothers can at least still get SAVED through works.
"Please, Watchtower... don't take away our salvation too."
these words were spoken yesterday by my 85 year old mum.
she told me they had a special letter read out on sunday read by one of the governing body telling them they were stopping the ministry school.
i feigned surprise.
Old folks just aren't as pliable in mind or body. It would be nice if they could pass peacefully in the comfort of their delusion for the sake of humanity.
But when has Watchtower HQ ever been interested in humanity? Your 85 year old mum will get more sympathy from apostates than she will from her revered leaders.
Excellent, EXCELLENT video.
Will share.
i have been given a piece of birthday cake as it was his birthday yesterday!
will i be a human hot dog now?.....
this just got me thinking of all the stupidities of the watchtower teachings, someone very kindly offers you something as innocent as a slice of chocolate cake but we were supposed to turn it down because that peace of chocolate cake now had horns poking out the top of the chocolate frosting.
I have turned down so many offerings of birthday cake in purity and self righteousness. Only now do I understand the looks of "what a FREAK" and confusion.
I used to think they only looked at me that way because they were devoid of godliness, the look of someone slated for death at Armageddon... the disgusting look of someone who eats............ birthday cake.
"Go ahead goat. Go ahead bird food. Go ahead murderers, adulterers and people who eat birthday cake.... for I.... I will live forever in paradise on earth while you eat your filthy confection of doom!"
victims of child abuse within the jehovah's witnesses may never see the perpetrators brought to justice unless the government closes a loophole allowing criminals to evade justice, campaigners have warned.. the government has been asked to introduce mandatory reporting to police whenever an allegation of child sex abuse is made within the faith group.. currently, the so-called "two-witness rule" means jehovah's witnesses deal with allegations of "sins" internally and only investigate themselves if the claim is corroborated by a second testimony - something lawyers say is unlikely given that many victims are abused on their own, in private.. concern over the number of "hidden" victims has prompted campaigners to hand a letter to downing street calling on the government to take action.. victim nick french, 43, who was abused by his stepfather gary moscrop from the ages of seven to 13, said introducing mandatory reporting would reduce the risk of paedophiles offending.. the salesman, originally from glasgow but who was raised in brighton, claimed: "when there are institutions that have rules that protect paedophiles, then something really needs to be done about that.. "when it's one word against another, they can get away with it.
certainly in my case, it just allowed him (my abuser) to become worse and worse in his criminal activities.. "what a faith group like the jehovah's witnesses would say about child abuse is they still view it as a sin, rather than a crime.. "in this day and age, as soon as a crime is reported it needs to go to the people who are qualified to deal with such a crime.
I've heard this excuse too:
"It is not our job as a religion to imprison criminals."
No one is asking them to take on the role of a cop, judge or prison guard. They are only being asked to turn the matter over to those qualified to handle the situation.
WT policies aside, how can human beings, with an INBORN inclination to stop at nothing to protect a child - even one who is not their own - be so oblivious to what is a common sense approach to a molestation accusation? Any dirt bag on the street, if approached by a child seeking help over something like this, would IMMEDIATELY turn directly to the police... leading the child by the hand.
How is it that the most righteous, loving people on the planet cannot grasp the simplicity of the correct response?
something struck me last week.
i have been dealing with what i can only describe as a fear of death.
i'm not old and not in bad health.
When I realized I would eventually die, it really ruined my day.
But then I remembered I couldn't find the expiration date on my marriage license and the thought of my impending demise brought back a familiar refrain...
"Free at last! Free at last! Thank GOD ALMIGHTY, I'm free at last!"
because i haven't put in a single dime for over a year now in the box at the kh.
the usual custom is to put money in there right after the meetings.
but heck, i already spend so much in car fuel just to attend - i don't care really if the gb starves and dies.. oops.. anyway, do the elders take note who's donating and who's not?.
I always gave in cash. I think I wrote a check one time in my entire Borg life so there was never any way for them to know how much or when I donated.
I wasn't a big spender... maybe $20 a week, so I doubt they noticed anyway.
They noticed when I turned the key to the maintenance shed back in. No one else was participating in the upkeep of the grounds. Yeah... they noticed that.
long time lurker here.
i'm a fifth gen born-in baptized jw.
to say i've been struggling with doubts is an understatement.
Welcome... OUT!
Nice intro.
i remember reading at least 2 articles from the 70's or early 80's referencing people that supposedly changed from gay to straight while jehovah's witnesses.
i can't remember the specifics or maybe i was just reading that into the article at the time.
does anyone remember these articles or something similar?.
I grew up reading the same articles in the 70's and 80's, trying to pray away the gay... the whole time dreading the implications of what becoming straight would mean.
Sex with a female.
[Straight folks should consider what it would be like to pray to God and ask Him to change them to homosexual... and all the implications that go along with it.]
I was devastated that God would not answer my prayers to become something I was terrified of becoming. I didn't HATE women... I just didn't want to go THERE with one. It had me so twisted up inside I spent a lot of time crying in private. The rest of the time I polished my skills at playing the little Christian hetero-boy character. I'd like to think I was pretty good at it.
Sometimes I think back to childhood and wonder if there was ever a real family bond there for me, as I realized I was different at a very young age and the grown-ups did not speak well of that difference. I figured out VERY early to keep that part hidden and be someone else.
I guess the family is only shunning a character I used to play because they never really got to meet ME.
Isn't it ironic that the major "ex-gay" ministries in the U.S. are finally coming out and admitting publicly that it doesn't work that way and have issued empty apologies. I guess we'll have to pass those apologies on to all the suicide victims when we get to hell.
... because fags still go to hell. (or die at Armageddon or some such...)
so i just met with an old 'friend' who wanted a 'chat' after no contact for the best part of 4 years.
she obviously heard about the wonderful news of my abrupt fade :d. i guess i wanted to prove to myself that any future meet ups/chats with jw's would be pointless.
needless to say i proved myself right.
"Would you be so kind as to find the literature that contains the apology over 1914?"
That's a great idea. Make her feel like you could reconsider your position if you were to learn the organization humbly apologized. Put the burden of research on her and let her go.
If she really does take your salvation seriously she is going to have to do an awful lot of reading through that old Rutherford crap, ending in failure to find an apology. It's a win/win.
Just might be the ticket to awakening yet another mind.