Lobby the governments of the world to make one of Steve Hassan's books a mandatory class for all middle and high school students.
The passage of time will take care of the rest.
what if by inheritance, winning the lottery or any other way, you suddenly got your hands on $150m after tax.
you maybe would spend a third of this giving your extended family financial security for life.
you maybe would buy a boat and a few investment properties.
Lobby the governments of the world to make one of Steve Hassan's books a mandatory class for all middle and high school students.
The passage of time will take care of the rest.
witnesses on facebook are salivating over this atlanta-journal constitution newspaper article.. http://www.pressreader.com/usa/the-atlanta-journal-constitution/20151015/281479275254108/textview.
As the Israelites moved through the promised land killing everyone of different religions who stood in their path, they developed quite a reputation for their intolerance of others. Communities would post a sentry to warn the villagers when the Israelites were coming.
"Israelite slaves! Israelite slaves!", the boy would shout.
After awhile they just yelled, "ISIS!, ISIS!," and the villagers would run and scurry away in fear of the global attack on religion.
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry
And the punishment is....??? Did I miss something?
"Brother, you act like a sissy. From now on you get to sleep in on Saturdays."
source: http://stratfordobserver.co.uk/news/jehovahs-witness-jailed-for-sexual-activity-with-a-child-8997/.
a jehovahs witness from stratford who took part in sexual activity with a 15-year-old girl has been struggling with those demons for the last seven or eight years, a judge has heard.. but pleas for craig allen, who was said to have support from the jehovahs witness congregation, not to be jailed cut no ice with a judge at warwick crown court.. the 43 year-old of evesham road, dodwell, was jailed for two years and eight months and ordered to register as a sex offender for life after he pleaded guilty to two charges of sexual activity with a child.. prosecutor andrew wallace said allen had met the girl in the mid-2000s through the church.. the girl, now a young woman in her 20s, said she began to fancy allen, who had started to pay her compliments.. then on one occasion when he gave her a lift, despite being fully aware she was only 15, allen sexually touched her.. she did not object or tell anyone what had happened, and there were further consensual incidents between them, including various types of sexual activity but not full intercourse.. someone who suspected what was going on between allen, a family man in his 30s, and the girl said something to her mother.. but when she challenged both her daughter and allen about what she had heard, they both denied it.. things stopped after the girl began to feel guilty about what was happening, and she eventually decided to come forward last year and contacted the police.. she said she had been dramatically affected by what had gone on, and that what happened with allen caused her to suffer a breakdown and still haunted her.. when allen was questioned by the police he accepted the incidents had taken place, but claimed it was the girl who had taken the lead.. elizabeth power, defending, said allen, who has a son and a daughter who were now both in their 20s, had attended for a voluntary interview with the police and made admissions.. he did not force himself on her but he was the adult and she was a child.
he says he was weak and was attracted to her.
Even if a 15 year could legally consent to sex, it does not make this sort of relationship appropriate or healthy.
I agree 100%. What I question is whether it rises to the level of a criminal act.
My concern is, if we start coloring outside the lines on this issue it could have the effect of watering down the seriousness of REAL child molestation. I realize those line become a little fuzzy as the child becomes a teenager and I AM NOT QUALIFIED TO DEFINE THEM... but this particular case gives me pause.
source: http://stratfordobserver.co.uk/news/jehovahs-witness-jailed-for-sexual-activity-with-a-child-8997/.
a jehovahs witness from stratford who took part in sexual activity with a 15-year-old girl has been struggling with those demons for the last seven or eight years, a judge has heard.. but pleas for craig allen, who was said to have support from the jehovahs witness congregation, not to be jailed cut no ice with a judge at warwick crown court.. the 43 year-old of evesham road, dodwell, was jailed for two years and eight months and ordered to register as a sex offender for life after he pleaded guilty to two charges of sexual activity with a child.. prosecutor andrew wallace said allen had met the girl in the mid-2000s through the church.. the girl, now a young woman in her 20s, said she began to fancy allen, who had started to pay her compliments.. then on one occasion when he gave her a lift, despite being fully aware she was only 15, allen sexually touched her.. she did not object or tell anyone what had happened, and there were further consensual incidents between them, including various types of sexual activity but not full intercourse.. someone who suspected what was going on between allen, a family man in his 30s, and the girl said something to her mother.. but when she challenged both her daughter and allen about what she had heard, they both denied it.. things stopped after the girl began to feel guilty about what was happening, and she eventually decided to come forward last year and contacted the police.. she said she had been dramatically affected by what had gone on, and that what happened with allen caused her to suffer a breakdown and still haunted her.. when allen was questioned by the police he accepted the incidents had taken place, but claimed it was the girl who had taken the lead.. elizabeth power, defending, said allen, who has a son and a daughter who were now both in their 20s, had attended for a voluntary interview with the police and made admissions.. he did not force himself on her but he was the adult and she was a child.
he says he was weak and was attracted to her.
A 15 years old?
We're talking technicality of law here with the age of consent thing. It's different everywhere. While I believe it's inappropriate for a person 20 years older to mess with a 15 yo, what would your opinion be if the perp was 21? Would the girl still be a child victim?
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I can't just go by the numbers on this one.
i was looking at a list of methods used by abusive spouses to manipulate and control their "domain" and was struck by how similar the mentality is to the governing body's approach to the flock.
obviously not everything on the list applies as there is no sexual component in the congregation and there is no physical contact, but the similarities were shocking.. http://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse.htm.
abusers use a variety of tactics to manipulate you and exert their power:.
i was looking at a list of methods used by abusive spouses to manipulate and control their "domain" and was struck by how similar the mentality is to the governing body's approach to the flock.
obviously not everything on the list applies as there is no sexual component in the congregation and there is no physical contact, but the similarities were shocking.. http://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse.htm.
abusers use a variety of tactics to manipulate you and exert their power:.
i was looking at a list of methods used by abusive spouses to manipulate and control their "domain" and was struck by how similar the mentality is to the governing body's approach to the flock.
obviously not everything on the list applies as there is no sexual component in the congregation and there is no physical contact, but the similarities were shocking.. http://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse.htm.
abusers use a variety of tactics to manipulate you and exert their power:.
i was looking at a list of methods used by abusive spouses to manipulate and control their "domain" and was struck by how similar the mentality is to the governing body's approach to the flock.
obviously not everything on the list applies as there is no sexual component in the congregation and there is no physical contact, but the similarities were shocking.. http://www.helpguide.org/articles/abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse.htm.
abusers use a variety of tactics to manipulate you and exert their power:.
I was looking at a list of methods used by abusive spouses to manipulate and control their "domain" and was struck by how similar the mentality is to the Governing Body's approach to the flock. Obviously not everything on the list applies as there is no sexual component in the congregation and there is no physical contact, but the similarities were shocking.
cult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.