Mouthy is great. Always at the front door welcoming new ones in, always quick to introduce herself as grandma. If anyone speaks to her anytime soon, please pass on our well wishes.
Posts by Zoos
Where's Mouthy?
by Village Idiot init's been a while since she's posted.
i'm hoping she's ok.. for those who are new here mouthy (grace) is our forum's adopted grandma.
she has been posting here since the beginning.
"The Calendar of Jehovah God" - a historical tidbit
by OrphanCrow inin 1935, clayton woodworth (editor of the golden age - later the awake!
magazine) devised a 'new' calendar that he proposed was far superior to the pagan calendars that have been used in human history.he wrote a three part series for the golden age (i am not sure if these were actually published) that laid out his justifications for how this new calendar was more accurate and of course, was right in line with the divine plan.
the calendar was published in the 1935 yearbook, but the watchtower magazine later published a retraction to the calendar.
Thank god it's Mansday. -
Most important lesson from Daniel's Prophesy - "Do YOU recognize the "holy ones of the Supreme one?"
by Zoos in... not that they would ever toot their own horn.
* * * daniel's prophesy, chap.17, par.3 * * *.
have you found the holy ones of the supreme one, and are you associating with them?
... not that they would ever toot their own horn.
... followed by 24 paragraphs of the most blown up, arrogant, NON-DISCREET self-aggrandizing you can imagine. I'm embarrassed for them.* * * Daniel's Prophesy, chap.17, par.3 * * *
Have you found “the holy ones of the Supreme One,” and are you associating with them? Are you aware of the solid evidence proving that those you have found are indeed the ones God has chosen?
In summary:* * * Daniel's Prophesy, chap.17, par.27 * * *
They were given outstanding insight into God’s Word, being empowered to “rove about” in it and, guided by holy spirit, to unlock age-old mysteries. Jehovah cleansed them and made them shine spiritually, as brightly as stars.
* * * Daniel's Prophesy, chap.17, par.28 * * *
With all these prophetic marks to identify “the holy ones of the Supreme One,” what excuse can there be for failure to recognize them and associate with them? Wonderful blessings await the great crowd, who join this dwindling anointed class in serving Jehovah.
Seems odd that the Bible never mentions Pryamids?
by dropoffyourkeylee indoesn't it seem strange that the bible never mentions the pyramids?
how could someone go to egypt at that time and not even so much as mention the huge monuments?
prologos: ...and built during the making of Noah's ark, competing in time and material.
Is there some evidence that these time frames line up? Has there been a thread on this topic?
I'd be interested in reading more.
Unbaptised son maybe asked to be in assembly ... Suggestions please!
by 4thgen inmy husband and i are divorced.
i have custody of my tween son.
i left 3 years ago on principle.
Use THEIR tactics.
Be proactive in telling your son how cult leadership tries to destroy families by demonizing one of the parents. Tell him how they twist the bible to get him to be suspicious of you. THAT's how they begin to control his mind. Every conversation you can conceive that your ex and the elders might have with your son, YOU HAVE IT WITH HIM FIRST to prepare his mind for the onslaught.
Don't let yourself be caught in a reactionary position. It will play right into the hands of the Watchtower recruitment machine. Watchtower is very adept to picking apart a person's objections and reactions - tying them to Satanic influence. What they are not used to is dealing with someone who is IN THE KNOW from the start.
Couldn't take it anymore.
by Darkknight757 inso i decided yesterday to give my wife's full disclosure.
not sure it was the best decision considering she holds very firmly to the resurrection hope so we can see our babies again.. anyways she is agreeable to begin a study to find a better truth.
where is a good place to go to get some good reliable biblical info on the web that we can consider together?.
Right now it doesn't matter which bible she reads. She still has on Watchtower goggles.
If I may.... STOP! BACK UP!
First step should be to put Watchtower teachings in a box and drop-kick them to the curb. The best way to do this is to get Ray Franz's books, Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. Perhaps one of Steve Hassan's books to help you understand how it all happened to you in the first place. This will set her mind free so that she is THEN ready to adopt a "new truth" - which will only amount to a new OPINION, but one she and you are completely free to explore.
Invisible Rulership - one of the dumbest things I ever believed in
by Black Man inhaving now been out of the cult for a few years, it really shocks me about some of the nonsense i used to believe in.
like for instance, christ ruling in the midst of his enemies, but doing so invisibly.. let's let that one sink in for a minute.
you've supposedly got a king who is ruling for a kingdom, but it is an invisible rule.
It doesn't bother me that I believed THAT any more than the rest of the rubbish. I was a born-in. Perfect - and reasonable - excuse.
The thing that rustles my jimmies is when I hear of otherwise intelligent adults who convert into this religion with it's invisible, overlapping - ness.
Forgiving Loans the Watchtower Way
by cofty inbank - thank you for maintaining your loan repayments for the past 3 years.
to show our appreciation we are forgiving the balance of your loan.
borrower - yeah!.
LOL It makes the absurd sound even absurder when put in this context. But religion can get way with it because their customers see things through spiritual eyes.
"... and the land of the free"
by Simon inor not.. a new report shows 'canadia' is at the top of the freedom chart.
the us languishes down in 15th place but does manage #1 for heath.
but oh dear, #33 for safety and security !.
Canada is a beautiful place. Visited there a couple of times - your neck of the woods, Calgary, Edmonton, Lake Louise...
But I grew up in Idaho and I am sick of the insanely cold winters. Spoiled now in the warmer southeast U.S. and I intend to go on being spoiled. Although that liberal pot does look nice. I'm about burnt out on these southern bible-thumping, gun-toting, straw-chewing, rrruh-publicans.
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Dissonance, exclamation mark.