Posts by Zoos
Is it true that they decided not to build Walkill Recreation center and then buried the foundation?
by Indian Larry ini saw this on ex jw reddit:"this may not be news to you but it was to me.
forgive me if this has already been posted before.
it came from a reliable source working on the warwick project.. wallkill bethel had broken ground and laid the foundation for a new recreation building.
Who would you vote for Today?
by James Mixon ind. trump or h. clinton and why.. i would vote for gun slinging trump..
MagicHat Dear Diogenesister .... the list of "Hellary" negatives is much too long to list all of them here, and it boggles my mind that this woman is even allowed.....
blah blah blah blah... buh-lah, buh-blah... [scratches butt] ... blah blah blah blah .......
..... schemes of the Clinton Foundation – we have no idea what shoe will fall next. But to her loyal fans - “what difference does it make?”
LOLOL... MagicHat reads his news while waiting in line at the grocery store.You realize those aren't real newspapers, right?
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Who would you vote for Today?
by James Mixon ind. trump or h. clinton and why.. i would vote for gun slinging trump..
I'm no fan of Hillary but at least she knows how to behave in public.
While I like many of Trump's ideas (not all, but many), he's a loose cannon. A freak. Do we really want that idiot representing the U.S. to the rest of the world?
Coming home from work the other day I heard Trump being interviewed on RawDog Comedy, a satellite comedy station. He was asked why some women don't like him. He answered, "They're probably just some old centerfolds I screwed and they were hurt by the massive circumference of my cawk."
I guess he thought he was being funny. He's an embarrassment.
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My first post
by thewalker inhi, i just joined the board and wanted to present myself.. i'm active, in fact very active in congregation activities serving "where the need is great" in a foreign language congregation somewhere in western europe.
as a young brother, i'm seen as an example as i'm doing all a good witness should do.. i had doubts years ago but i decided just to ignore them and move to another congregation to preach more.
that worked for some years but i'm now at the exact same point.
I need time to think.
That is precisely what they don't want you to have. They want you active, zealous, go, go, GO all the time... busy in the work of the lord so you don't have time to entertain your doubts, ponder the inconsistencies, identify the contradictions and start putting the pieces together. It is, therefore, vital that you MAKE THAT TIME HAPPEN.
Someone on this forum once identified the Watchtower organization as a loveless recruitment machine. Giving yourself time to think will help you see past the glossy veneer (the polished outside of the cup) and see the machine for what it really is.
Welcome to the forum. Your journey will be rough but you will come out the other side stronger and happier.
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Religion spoils the real truth? What are your thoughts.
by punkofnice ini can see how science is answering our questions.
okay, that's a sweeping statement, but it's the best way my empty head can express it.
i'm not sure if we're evolving as a species...that's another subject i admit to not reading about.
Religion mucks up everything, I agree. But I don't think it renders void a belief in God, regardless of His definition.
I like to think of Him as the God of Hey, don't be a dick! I worship Him by not being a dick. I evangelize about Him by encouraging others to not be a dick. I keep myself spiritually clean by avoiding association with people who are dicks.
Religion turns people into dicks with their "I'm right, you're wrong"... "I'm righteous, you're unrighteous"... "I live, you die"... "I'm going to heaven, you're going to hell".... and all the dickey, dick DICK behaviors that go along with it.
Saddest thing about being DFd
by kairos ini always enjoyed being kind.
when someone genuinely needed a hand or what not, it felt good to help family or friends.. i don't really miss them anymore.
i faded over two years ago, so they long ago shunned me.i think about them less and less and have even forgotten some names.i did enjoy some of the friendships and the association.
You miss the brotherhood. Nothing wrong with that.
While many on this board have very real horror stories about the people and elders they had to deal with, many of us actually enjoyed the people in our congregations and have nothing but fond memories in that regard.
My own bad memories of only a few people could legitimately be chalked up to personality differences that we were adult enough to navigate peacefully (with the exception of one elder.... but that's a topic for another thread).
I never felt particularly plugged in with the folks in my congregation. Not any meaningful, close friendships. Still, I felt the loss of brotherhood when I left. It's a sizable crater in your heart that will fill up with the passage of time and new friends.
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The most widely distributed magazine in the US !!!
by Calebs Airplane in1. watchtower & awake - under review as these is now a 16-page anorexic pamphlets (not magazines) .
2. espn: 42.9 million 3. people: 28 million 4. allrecipes: 24.5 million 5. forbes: 21.6 million 6. time: 18.1 million 7. entertainment weekly: 14.3 million 8. cosmopolitan: 13.7 million 9. bloomberg businessweek: 11.2 million 10. new york: 9.8 million .
James Mixon
They are right up there no doubt with toilet paper...Both serve the same purpose.I disagree.
Toilet paper REMOVES shit.
"the Kingdom work is expanding at an accelerated pace"
by Londo111 inif recent intel is true, there is only a .23% increase worldwide in 2015. .
notice what is increasing is not the average publisher count, according to the above watchtower quote to spin the bethel downsizing, but the work.
"the little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.
New Book About Jehovah’s Witnesses Starts Creating a Buzz in The JW and Ex JW Community
by GodZoo ina recently published book, by best selling author eugene walker has started creating a buzz inside the jehovahs witness community.
in his new book, "jehovah's witnesses exposed - what really goes on inside the kingdom hall walls", eugene walker brings to light hidden issues that many jehovah's witnesses now face in the organisation.. .
Hypocrisy of JW Thinking After Tragedy Like Paris
by freemindfade init never has ceased to boggle my mind how twisted up jw thinking is.
when they see something like what happened in paris, in person they will express how sad and detestable it is quickly followed by "this is why we need the kingdom, and the desert god is gonna fix everything.
" here is where i get perplexed.
i'm not sure i understand your point, but i'm fairly certain that most JWs dont' think all worldly people are so bad that they must die at Armageddon.Then, with all due respect, you weren't paying attention at meetings.
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