I will email you a pdf copy absolutely free.
PM me.
i’ve run into hard financial times and have decided to sell my second copy of coc for a fair price.
you’ll find them on amazon for ridiculous prices starting from $59.84 for a beat up used one to $294.96 and up for a new condition copy.
i’m selling mine in new condition for $50.00 plus shipping which should not be more than $5.
hello on this beautiful sunday!
just a quick little update to the post i made a few months ago about my mil shunning us.
quick recap: during a convo after she attended the rc and was going on and on about how powerful it was and how great the videos were, blah, blah, blah...i couldn't take it anymore and told her that's not our lives anymore and i didn't want to hear anymore about it and to please respect that and move on to something else to talk about.
Even if she does come to see the kids, are you prepared to let your children suffer the emotional effects of having a grandma who is only OCCASIONALLY interested in seeing them?
Why not let grandma know she's either a full part of your children's lives (which includes the entire family) or NO PART. Playing games like that with children is abuse.
if god has a relationship with every christian and every christian is praying to him then wouldn't he tell every christian the same thing so that christians would agree on matters of doctrine and practice?.
it is certainly puzzling why sincere and devout people equally seek god's will and pray to him yet they all come up with different answers so that there are approximately 40,000 different christian denominations (center for the study of global christianity (csgc) at gordon-conwell theological seminary).. before his death, jesus called for agreement among his followers rather than division (john 17:20-21).
he declared that he would send the holy spirit to guide persons into all the truth (john 14:16 - 17, 26, john 15:26, john 16:7,13 - 15).. so shouldn't anyone who has a relationship with jesus, reads the bible, and listens to the holy spirit come to the same conclusions as others who are doing the same thing?.
i have been thinking about how the wtb&t society bullies all of its members into submission with the threats they use (by practice), i.e.
“if you do this we will df you and you will be shunned”.
“if you da yourself, we will make an announcement and your friends, relatives and family will abandon you”, etc.
justice mcclellen asked g.jackson about compensation for victims of child abuse , and mcclellan suggested it be by a consortium of groups , presumably religious and secular in nature as a pool to dispense approppiate compensation to all of the victims involved .. g.jackson hesitated and said they would have to look at the details of that proposal , before committing to it.. jehovah`s witnesses consider themselves as the only true religion and ,all others as false religion .. they take pains to separate themselves from from any association with other religions , not even being included in newspaper notices about church services.they want to keep themselves separate and distinct from false religion as they see them.. so how do you think they will handle this suggestion / requirement ?
will they join in aligning themselves with "babylon the great" in compensation .?.
didn`t they align themselves with another religion in the u.s.a. some years ago , that had to do with the w.t.
with their luxurious lakeside condos.
takes all the congregations funds promising new kingdom halls.
but instead starts selling off kingdom halls ..then makes faithful old brothers and sisters drive 20-30 miles to another one, and .kicks out half the bethelites for only only tech savy college educated ones.can barely afford to send out printed publications anymore.
in the tug of war between religious freedom and nondiscrimination rights, the weight seems to be pulling toward the latter.. at least that's the view of 17 religious leaders — including lds church presiding bishop gérald caussé — who addressed their concerns with the u.s. commission on civil rights' recent report in an oct. 7 letter to president barack obama, house speaker paul ryan and utah sen. orrin hatch.. the report, titled "peaceful coexistence: reconciling nondiscrimination principles with civil liberties," comes down squarely on the side of civil liberties for individuals, the letter says, and "stigmatizes tens of millions of religious americans, their communities, and their faith-based institutions, and threatens the religious freedom of all our citizens.
" .
seriously, you can't make this shit up.
and these same people will accuse hillary of rigging the election after she wins:.
redvip2000 In fact, why not create an amendment that restricts voting right to folks with an IQ under 90? This way Trump would lock in a victory for sure.
OMG, it would be a landslide.
this book has been recommended to me a few times.
is it worth reading?.
how could i get a copy without paying the massive amount stated on amazon and ebay?
final article in www.elperiodico.es.
google translate:.