It's confirmed.. they outright murdered this man.
.. even if you resist arrest the penalty should not be instant death by police executioner/s.
It's confirmed.. they outright murdered this man.
.. even if you resist arrest the penalty should not be instant death by police executioner/s.
where they blind?
nakedness is a sin between married folks?.
that is so silly.
After the fall sin entered into the world, along with it came shame and guilt. The covering of the fig leaves was really mankinds first act of religion. Because when we sin, we want to COVER IT UP, justify our actions. Which is exactly what they attempted to do. Eve blamed it on the serpant, Adam blamed it on the woman. They hid from God out of shame.
They covered themselves up as a reaction to their shame before God. No longer were they pure before God, but fallen. No longer good. They made clothes for themselves to cover themselves up. God instead had to make a covering for them. This is the gospel in a nutshell. Man cannot justify himself or his sins through his own actions, but only God can cover them for man. One is religion, the other is grace.
Absolute tosh..
define: privacy.
the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.. .
if your private thoughts were made public--and you knew they would be made public--.
I conclude that God does not work for the NSA..
i have sprayed, i have bug bombed, i have sprayed some more.
i threw things out i thought that they might have a nest in.
i soaked some things in hot water all day.
Boric acid is dangerous to humans and animals when ingested (as are window cleaner, bowl cleaner, bleach, etc.).
When used for roaches, the usual method is to dust all corners and wall joints with a duster (a small vessel used specifically for acid dusting). This is generally safe as long as you avoid food preparation areas (which seems to defeat the purpose in the case of roaches), but can pose a problem to pets and/or small children, as they may ingest an unsafe amount.
I'd go for the organic safe option myself..
But if you insist:
Avoid consumer roach powders with boric acid in them; the boric acid powder is the active ingredient, so just get 100% boric acid powder (most dollar stores and home improvement centers have them, and it's generally cheaper).
If you DO have pets or small children, or the infestation is particularly plentiful, there is an alternative method to dusting... wall treatment. This is how it's done:
1). Mark off all studs in each room so that you know where they are (simple pencil mark will do).
2). Drill a small hole in the wall area between each stud, just big enough to insert the tip of the boric acid container (most brands come in a plastic bottle with an applicator tip) or the end of the duster.
NOTE: Avoid all air circulation ducts, pipes and wiring!
3). Deliver the boric acid powder into each hole (about 4 or 5 tablespoons worth seems to work just fine, but it depends on the roach population).
4). Spackle up the holes.
That's it!
It seems like a lot, but is really a small price to pay when you have a roach infestation... and it will keep away roaches (and a few other pest bugs) for about 8-10 years.
Boric acid powder sticks to the roaches, poisoning them and their eggs, following them everywhere they go and infecting (so to speak) every other roach they come in contact with. It kills just about everything within the first 24-48 hours, but you will generally SEE more roaches during this period, so expect it and don't worry... they will die.
Now the nasty part...
There will be bodies. The more you have, the more bodies there will be, and clean up can be disturbing.
Any substance that can kill something continually for the next 10 years I'm not sure I'd want anywhere near where I keep food and eat.
i think it's hurting the country..
Has not America itslf been entirely populated by illegal immigrants?
i have sprayed, i have bug bombed, i have sprayed some more.
i threw things out i thought that they might have a nest in.
i soaked some things in hot water all day.
Top Things That Cockroaches Hate
Of course they hate any form of light they aren’t runnin away to hide only because they are afraid of you..
However, here is a list of things cockroaches hate that will still work in the dark.
An assortment of repellants you can use to deal with your roach problem organically.
• Bay Leaves
• Green Pandan Plant/Leaves
• Dried Mint Leaves
• Peppermint
• Tabasco
• Hot Chile Peppers
• Garlic
• Cucumbers
• Lemons
• Cayenne Pepper
• Organic Catnip
• Moth Balls made from Naphthalene
• Cypress Oil
• Citronella Oil
• Teatree Oil
• Lemongrass Oil
• Cigar Clippings
• Salt
• Bleach
So as to things like Pepperment, Mint, Lemon, Cypress, Citronella, Teatree and Lemon Grass using a pure oil or extract added to a mixture of dishsoap and water (either in a spray bottle or using a bucket and sponge) to clean your countertops and cabinets.
Another good idea is to juice 4 lemons and rinds and add to a ½ gallon of soap water and clean your kitchen/bathroom floors. You’ll love the fresh smell! The cockroaches definately wont!
i've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages.
why can we not do that on this site?
what are your motives in keeping our personal messages?
are you aware that this religion produces more non-religious people than any other religion in the world?
I can vouch for that.. they succeeded in washing the religion right out of me I think for ever. After that great deception I don't think I am capable of believing anything any 'religious' person tells me.
i phoned my sister and she told me that the elders called her to visit her again the next saturday morning.
you can read the issues discussed in the past two visits:.
This was exactly my situation. I showed the elders an absolute ship load of utterly insane and ridiculous quotes published by the watchtower leaders that prove without any doubt that they could never have been chosen by Jesus for anything based upon what they were teaching and their views back then. The entire house of cards implodes from the center and simply collapses.
The elders could not refute a single word of what I showed them because they were English speaking and all of the material was all in English and came embarrasingly right from their own Kingdom Hall library. They were speechless and completely mute. They did not have a leg to stand on.
I walked out and have never been to a meeting since. All I ever got was a single email requesting that I don't share my findings with anyone else in the congregation. I still have that email.
That was a year and a half ago. They have left me completely alone. You can never be disfellowshipped for studying their own literature.
.org = oganisation.
Beware of "organization." It is wholly unnecessary. The Bible rules will be the only rules you will need. Do not seek to bind others' consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe and obey so far as you can understand God's Word today. (Watchtower Sept. 15, 1895, p. 216)
The Org-asms..
i've never been on a website that doesn't allow you to delete your own personal messages.
why can we not do that on this site?
what are your motives in keeping our personal messages?
lol Simon...I appreciate people like Snowden very much. Although I knew about these things decades ago.
If we had a simple 'block' button if anyone receieved a single unpleasant, offensive or threatening PM one could simply block the individual immediately and so removing all possiblilty for any more offense to occur. It would also remove your workload in dealing with complaints and problems maybe?