JoinedPosts by JWCart
Psychology Today - interesting articles about Cult Leaders and Predators in clergy or organization positions
by wannabefree ini stumbled upon some articles in psychology today written by joe navarro, an ex-fbi counterintelligence agent.. this one talks about predators as priests or clergy as well as in other organizations and why they are attracted to it .... https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/spycatcher/201404/why-predators-are-attracted-careers-in-the-clergy.
this article talks about identifying dangerous cult leaders ... how many characteristics do you see in some of the gb leaders past and present?.
What is the most current information on the Ricco indictments of Don Adams re: Menlo Park?
by TerryWalstrom indid this quietly go away?.
details, please.
What happened in Menlo Park and how did the Watchtower robbed their Kingdom Hall? Did they do it to sell the land or just wanted that asset? Many new people don't know what happened in Menlo Park, maybe Juan Viejo or someone close to this topic could throw out a modern version what happened to the Elders and what the Watchtower did? Thank you! -
By their own logic, JW's should leave Watchtower.......
by snare&racket in"university and college campuses are notorious for bad behaviordrug and alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, hazing, and the list goes on.
watchtower2005 oct 1 p.28.
having been to university and a jw..it made me think about their logic....... "jehovah's witness congregations are notorious for bad behavioralcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, domestic abuse, child abuse and the list goes on.
SnareandaRacket, that's what I am talking about in my other thread, it's hard for anyone with minor thinking skills not to catch the duplicity of what they say and how it shows in their lives.
""University and college campuses are notorious for bad behavior—drug and alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, hazing, and the list goes on.” Watchtower2005 Oct 1 p.28
Having been to university and a JW..it made me think about their logic......
"Jehovah's Witness congregations are notorious for bad behavior—alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, domestic abuse, child abuse and the list goes on.” Watchtower2005 Oct 1 p.28
i sincerely saw more alcoholism, domestic abuse, affairs and cheating and financial cheating amongst JW workers and JW bosses in congregations than in any higher education or even 'worldly' environment. Then we have to add the child abuse the deceitful literature, the scandals, the failed predictions and embarrassments.
What's left? The fake smiles and cult acquaintances?...... Bye..."
"Scientist Discover Atheists Might Not Exist..." "This is not a Joke!"
by JWCart incrofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, i found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too.
i don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic!
will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains?
Crofty can you please break this article and main points down for the average individuals to understand, I found this article and thought of you, thought you might be interested in this topic too. I don't fully understand it, can you please help us, you are our "resident expert" on this topic! Will you please break it down for us as to what it means and how it affects us brains? Thank you!
“Human aggression could bring civilisation and humanity to an end ,” says Stephen Hawking
by abiather inhuman aggression could bring civilisation and humanity to an end , says stephen hawking.
compare ecclesiastes 8:9.
He also has made clear we should stop using SETI and trying to contact a high life form if aliens and UFOs exists we might end up becoming their food or slaves or worse. Dr. Hawkings dumped his wife after decades of faithfully wiping his ass and allowing her career to go down the drain because he was such a fricking control freak. After reading his wife's comments after years of silence, I think he's smart but he's a total disloyal asshole who used his wife up like some toilet paper and married his nurse (Judge Rutherford style). Can you imagine giving up your youth to some selfish man who refused to get help until your at the point of a mental breakdown and than he decided to jump ship after burning you out? That's our Dr. Hawkings, he's not the most moral man, his wife was beautiful,what a waste of life for her! -
GOVERNING BODY: Thanks for nothing, you rat bastards!
by Terry inas a jehovah's witness:.
two things finally struck me:.
for now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now i know in part, but then i will know fully just as i also have been fully known.. _______________________.
Can you help me grasp Jehovah's Witnesses as (Emotionally and Mentally Violent) vs Physically Violent of all Religions?
by JWCart incan i upload a audio tape of how evil jws are, you won't believe how wicked they are!
cleanideas, I need to share what happened last night to explain how wicked JWs are, what I have validates people who leave this organization because of the deep hatred they display towards anyone. I need to put online a conversation that took place by the Elderette and my friend, by using the Watchtower's own dogma this Elderette is condemned to Ghenna and love's hanging around pedophiles, it's a weird relationship she has yet she think's she is God's servant, it's a joke!Link +1 / -0 -
How the Watchtower Provides the Perfect World View for Earth's most Calloused and Selfish Human Beings, if you disagree, Let's talk!
by JWCart ini don't think i've come across this line of reasoning on jwn but this thought has been going back and forth like a ping pong ball mentally.
jws offer no real benefit to the world even if they do make people stop fighting in gang-banger relationships or stop criminals from stealing.
there are religions that help people find jesus and these people do begin to help, they feed the hungry, they begin to involve themselves volunteering for different charities.
I don't think I've come across this line of reasoning on JWN but this thought has been going back and forth like a Ping Pong Ball mentally. JWs offer no real benefit to the World even if they do make people stop fighting in gang-banger relationships or stop criminals from stealing. There are religions that help people find Jesus and these people do begin to help, they feed the hungry, they begin to involve themselves volunteering for different charities. Jehovah's Witnesses are like greedy businesses who don't pay their workers minimum wage or any type of fringe-benefits, they are happy to keep their people on as indentured servants like the old "Company Stores" of time's past where you never come out ahead, each week you end up owing the Company more money than you made this week. The Watchtower and fellow JWs don't rejoice when times are good for you, you get the stink-eye and back talking from people who are suppose to be willing to die for you or stick their neck on the chopping block in place of yours, that's the love their tell the World about! For years the local Congregation has been searching for ways to help two of their members get benefits for JWs who can't hold a job because their alcoholics, Social Security declined them and the Elders kept on trying other avenues to get these drunk brothers and sisters monies. Finally they struck gold, the elders had the alcoholics claim their mentally ill and finally after years of bashing the King of the South, the JWs with alcohol problems will qualify for SDI for alcoholism even though they perjured themselves on their SDI forms!
Here's where my line of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower converges back with the original thoughts of this thread. Jehovah's Witness by proportion are the most selfish human beings when it comes to parting with their money. People who once leave a former life of alcohol addition find there's a large group of alcoholics in the Congregation, large amounts of JWs on pain medications (Oxycontin, Hydromorphone, Fentynal, Nor-co, Lorecet, ect...) pathological liars (in my congregation we have JWs who lie about the most minor things, no reason to lie and their addiction to lying drives me crazy!). New members soon discover once the love-bombing runs out there are people who love to gossip about them, their entire existence in the Kingdom Hall is based off performance and even if you perform well, your still put on their professional scales making sure your doing enough but not enough so you don't outshine the pious ones.
Jehovah's Witnesses won't even part with their money to make the Kingdom Hall payments for utilities, the new "Never Ending Rent from the Organization" and must be guilted relentlessly or they won't make the payment. Our Kingdom Hall has been in arrears to the Organization and had to stop handing out literature when the process was changed when money was demanded for literature. When we went to the "Donation Arrangement", all the Publishers who once were thrifty and only took a few items each week soon were taking trunk loads of literature handing it out to anyone who needed something to wipe their asses with or hand out to homeless car window washers using the Watchtowers with spit to wash dirty windows at Stop Lights. We had $5,000+ worth of literature coming through our Kingdom Hall a month only to send the Watchtower $600 in donations at the most. When our Kingdom Hall was paid off, soon our Kingdom Hall got another loan for $150,000 and put itself in debt until we paid that off and got another loan for $450,000.
JWs and the Watchtower brag about the changes and impact their religion brings about, Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones who say their religion does good things for the World. I have never seen JWs do anything good for the Community, they take blood but won't give blood to the blood banks. JWs come to support agencies looking for low-cost housing and benefits for the poor making low-wages but they don't do any work to help others get this unless the elders get tired of a family who fell on hard times and asked the Congregation for financial help. My family are the most selfish people, they despise charity but get benefits for illegitimate children and suck Social Security dry. Sorry, the only one who is charitable is one sister and her kids, her two boys are very good citizens while my JW siblings don't do shit for the World, they work for the State, make exorbitant wages for the jobs they do and ask the State for additional monies for the five kids my sister's boy has had from five different teenagers.
Can you tell me how many JWs you know who became wonderful citizens after learning their way of life? The more a JW get's involved with charity, the weaker their spiritually is deemed by fellow publishers in the congregation. JWs as a whole don't give a dam about human beings, how many times have you been in field service while people in your car were pointing at the large houses on the hill they were going to get when Jehovah kills off all the hard working people?
Link +2 / -0 -
Can you help me grasp Jehovah's Witnesses as (Emotionally and Mentally Violent) vs Physically Violent of all Religions?
by JWCart incan i upload a audio tape of how evil jws are, you won't believe how wicked they are!
What religion have you met in your lives where people who once were your best friends stop associating or acting human towards you and your family because you decided to evaluate your religion and found it lacking from a Biblical standpoint? Seriously, have you met any religions like the Watchtower willing to throw away decades of friendship over Bible disputes?
Asshole Atheism – Not for me, now or ever.
by donny into start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.