JoinedPosts by Jayson
Letter from a friend in Iraq
by Yerusalyim inok, i won't give his name, but he is a major with an engineer unit in iraq.
here's what he has to say on iraq, i've highlighted a few interesting points.
it has been a while since i have written to my friends about what's really going on here in iraq.
Letter from a friend in Iraq
by Yerusalyim inok, i won't give his name, but he is a major with an engineer unit in iraq.
here's what he has to say on iraq, i've highlighted a few interesting points.
it has been a while since i have written to my friends about what's really going on here in iraq.
Reborn I wanted to say thanks for that graphic intensive post. I mean why do a link when you can dominate the time it takes to load a thread, right?
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Hate is a left wing ........
value. Not exclusive but a value.
incapable of being wrong, incapable of being bias, incapable of being obessed, incapable of being hateful. Gosh almost sounds utopian.
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Jayson, no indication that the two names rendered them as sinkable. But, the possibility of such fate, is possible I suppose.
They will either remain afloat, or sink. Ships are frequently named after famed politicians, regardless of their leanings.
Where does the E.U. come into this (as per my tiny post)? You lost me there matey!
Time to mop the poop deck
Your point; they are going to hit an ice berg?(analogy of arogance & over confidence?) My opinion; maybe, but I would not bet on it.
In the case of Bush; my point; was he never shuts up when he should. That is what I see him as most famous for. (Not a good thing.)
My Ewue point; The claim that the U.S. [thru bush] is isolating itself and has no allies. But Iraq [current events] may play a key roll in destroying the Ewue. (And none to soon.)
I know that the Ewue is the great hope of being an equalizer to the U.S. we will see in time if it happens. My $20 is against it. Simon can witness. If it still exists in any meaningful form in 25 years I'll give em a $20.
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Razor, how about the "U.S.S. Shut the "F" up Gorge" I'd be for that. I don't think Bush America equals the sinking Titanic. America will do just fine after he is gone. At least if I were betting on who was going down in the 21st Century (assuming something is) I'd place my twenty on the EU being the turd that won't flush.
WoMD ... so where are they?
by Simon innow, the war is over, the weapons were not used and of course have not been found.. how threatening could they be if they did not even use them when being invaded by a massive force (of the countries they hate)?!
perhaps, as many suspect, they didn't use them because they didn't have them?.
now we're being told that we'll have to be patient and give them time to find them.
Our Awful
President July 16, 2003President George Walker Bush has been an awful president. It’s bad enough that he ordered the US military into action in Afghanistan without properly consulting the national press. Then he had the gall to eschew an apology for American complicity in the “root causes” of terrorist behavior which led to September 11. Next, President Bush ordered the military into an “Axis of Evil” nation, never once considering that Saddam Hussein might not wish to be invaded. At the same time, he chose not to order the military to blow up Kim Jong Il, much to the ire of his close friends in the Democrat Party. His friends were not happy that he tried to blow up Hussein, but Kim apparently needs blowing up. Of course, we all know that President Bush didn’t prove his case in the justification for war with Iraq, depending, of course, on which justification that is demanded of him today. Wait ’til tomorrow and there will be another reason to crow that the Iraq campaign was actually a failure. Hmm. There were fewer holes in the ground in Baghdad before the war. The Iraqi golf course designers’ lobby will have a cow over that one. Then our cowboy of a president flew onto an aircraft carrier without consulting the poster boy for dementia, Sen. Robert Byrd. That’s not a good move for anyone wishing that the old senator would calm down long enough to take his medications. Sen. Byrd nearly popped blood vessels in his neck, which would have popped the taxpayers in the pocket book for a hospital stay. Now our president is facing charges of misleading the public for accurately reporting what the Brits had to say about Iraqi interest- or not- in Niger's uranium. The Brits claim the report was true. No matter, the truth. That’s what he gets for relying on the Brits when he could have just as easily relied on the French. If President Bush continues to successfully battle our enemies, is that fair to Howard Dean, John Edwards, John Kerry, et. al? Richard Gephardt is already on the verge of dropping out over a lack of funds, and Joseph Lieberman is likely not far behind. How democratic is that? President Bush has a duty to make sure that the democratic process stays intact. Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich have a right to run for president, and by goodness President Bush is denying them that right. It’s really awful that Bush has not been sensitive to their rights. What next? Is he going to pander for votes by pushing to protect Americans via a missile defense system? None of this is fair. President Bush, as the leader of our country, has a duty to ensure that the Democrat Party has a viable opportunity to oppose him. Yes, the Democrats still have our struggling economy as an issue, but observant people have figured out that the economy was slow to recover from September 11. The Clinton recession had ended, but the terrorists’ blow was severe enough to stymie economic recovery. President Bush is now talking about providing aid to African nations to help them battle AIDS. Is that ethical to take away one of the Democrats’ issues? That, perhaps, was the most awful thing he could do. It’s just not fair. Pretty soon, people will forget about a lot of today’s issues and focus on economic matters. In order to keep things fair, the Democrats have already pared down President Bush’s plan to assist our economy. Why should he have another advantage in 2004? He already has the advantage on foreign policy matters. President Bush is really awful for successfully leading the war against terrorists. It’s only fair that the Democrats are accusing him of lying for making a true statement. That’ll teach him to be awful.
Hate is a Left
Wing Value May 20, 2003The people who hate President George Walker Bush just cannot help themselves. The onslaught is relentless. When people pointed out the myriad Bill Clinton illegalities, we were said to hate Clinton. But facts were on our side time after time (even in the instances when federal prosecutors were too timid to pursue certain matters). The Left has never gotten over Florida 2000. The election shaped their psyche much the way the Right was shaped by the Soviet threat during the 1950’s and ‘60’s. The most recent anti-Bush taunt is that the president is supposedly guilty of “the biggest lie” in history. We now “know,” the claim goes, that there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Actually, what we have learned is that our intelligence agencies have been so badly neglected over the last twenty-five years that we couldn’t even get into Iraq enough translators to aid those searching for WMD. Rules that date back to the infamous Church and Pike Committees have hindered intelligence gathering and led to a climate within such agencies that has proven fatal. The Americans searching for WMD who recently returned from Iraq were there to blindly search the Iraqi landscape. They did not speak the language, thus they were unable to interview Iraqi scientists; they were unable to read Iraqi documents; they were unable to determine what sites to visit. Days after President Bush made comments about the status of al-Qa’eda, the terrorist group launched an attack in Saudi Arabia. President Bush had said that those who were either captured or dead were no longer a threat to America. Not surprisingly, liberals in the national media took the statement out of context and claimed that he referred to all of al-Qa’eda as no longer being a threat. Truth is no obstacle to the fanatically hateful Left. We have to discount the farthest of the far Left- those who have embedded the hatred of all-things-Republican into their religion of Blame America First. The wails of supposed Bush links to September 11 and of a desired American imperialism by Bush should not be linked to mainstream liberals. They cannot control the content of what their extreme fringe cries out. But the mainstream Left is responsible for the disinformation and hatred that find root in the Florida debacle. Liberals capitalized on the ignorance of their ilk about the electoral guidelines set forth in the Constitution, and the rest is history. Terrorists have been captured in this country; attacks have been prevented here and elsewhere. No matter. The liberal leadership in Washington and their affiliates as far away as the Pacific coast proclaim that the president does not care about the safety of Americans. Whether it’s the economic plan or Homeland security issues, the president is supposedly in favor of only a select few and does not care if everyone else dies/starves/lose their jobs. In their psychologically scarred minds, Bush is the hater, not them. We have traveled down a slippery slope- a slope that began with the ascendancy of the presidency by the immoral man from Arkansas. Liberals see the Bush presidency as their shot at revenge. If it was fair to point out the illegalities and immorality of their man, then it’s fair to invent and twist to accuse the man who represents “the other side.” September 11 only changed so much in America. Singing “God Bless America” from the Capitol Hill steps only subdued hatred for so long. More than two years have elapsed since the election of President Bush, but it seems like only yesterday to many on the Left. Unless the rhetoric and the hatred of the Left subsides soon, perhaps it will be Florida 2000 and not September 11 that will have forever changed our great country. Hatred has become a Left wing value.
N Korea Military Tactics In A War With US
by ISP ina strategy of massive.
it knows that it will be fighting the superpower alone.
north korea makes its own submarines, landing drafts, high-speed missile-boats, and other types of warships.
Yep and Arab terrorists have planted 10 nuclear bombs in 10 major American cities. When they explode it will cripple the American economy. Yes America may respond with nuclear retaliation but it will be worth it. America in the end will sell it's aircraft carriers to Turkey and India for pennies on the dollar. All of this and more comming to you in a fictious reality near you.
For what it is worth Simon I agree with you. North Korea has no value to the U.S. in the forms of economic or strategic value. Giving food aid only helps the Korean army. Let China, Russia, and Japan deal with it. Let the UN do what those who support it claim it is for. (Of couse aiding dictators and enemies of the U.S. is what it does)
Letter from a friend in Iraq
by Yerusalyim inok, i won't give his name, but he is a major with an engineer unit in iraq.
here's what he has to say on iraq, i've highlighted a few interesting points.
it has been a while since i have written to my friends about what's really going on here in iraq.
I understand the phrase "who are you going to believe me, or your own eyes" in regard to who presented the State of the Union. It is still not clear to me how that speech made Congress approve the War in 2002. If Bush actively worked to falsify information to the level of an impeachable offense then Congress should do it. We have to. But, if faulty information was presented to him then remove those who did it. As I have said what scares me is how poor intellegence abilities are at it's best it is guessing and little more. The world believed Saddam to have WMD's. It is ludicious to claim that there was no reason to suspect him or think him a potential thread. Until there is proof that known weapons were distroyed or they are found I will worry. I don't have enough proof to sit with you that they never existed. It has nothing to do with Bush. For 12 years evidence is that they have existed that is why I disagree with you. The lack of viable intelligence worries me that the wmd's are not going to be found. It is not like there is a sign that says "look here." If they are somewhere "out there" never to be found that is one thing. But if Saddam had a doomsday plan. That is scary the man was/is mad.
I wanted Saddam gone in the 90's. So it frustrates me that Bush & Co wants to try to convience people who have no intentions of ever supporting the removal of him or men like him. He is wishful thinking and pissing off everyone in the process. He is not Bill Clinton, everyone will never love and never support him. It does not matter what he does or does not do. This is not a dig but, there are those in Europe have an admoration for Saddam. He defied America and lived. Arabs have the same love hate feelings. I keep hearing "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" in regard to Iraq. We did; And it's a good thing. You say that "we" over the last 30 years have kept the Middle East unstable, I agree. But the Arabs also want it unstable. If they focused more on their internal problems and less on the outside world they could change things and we would not matter. I said this before "Americans do not understand ethnic hatred."
When some (all) of my mentors were irate that we did not remove him in 91' I bought the whole "it's not our fight, let the Iraqi's fight for their own freedom, we'd be there for a decade, get our troops home crowd." I was told I was a fool who does not understand by people I deeply respected. A few years later I saw how right they were. Saddam is a/was a demon who can't be reasoned with. Killing him and occupying Iraq was always the only option. We put it off for more than a decade & a lot of people died. Maybe we should have done it sooner. It was clear that this war had to happen, we just chose the time. The Islamic States are the best example of facism that I can think of. There is not any real negotiations. Saddam with his embrace of secularism made a logical ally in the 80's. Do you know who brokered some of those deals back then? [Rum.....] There can be no peace until the majority of Arab States are democracies. And not just "us" [U.S./UK] arm these people. The Chinese, the Russians, and the French have supplied huge amounts of arms. (There Are No Angels) If we do not support and/or help certian governments in the Middle East others will. I understand that people are going to continue to die over something that I support. I understand that I am not in 130* heat occupying a broken Nation of miserable people. I understand the hundreds of billions of dollars will be spent on this. I understand that it will take years, decades maybe for there to be any real hope of stablization and making the Nation whole. I want to see the marshlands flow again. I want to see these people whole again. Removing Saddam is the only way that is going to happen. He was the example that "yes, we can do that." The hard part is yet to come. It was said that those in Japan will never embrace democracy; They did. It was said that the Germans are not capable of embracing democracy they are too warlike. They do and are total pasifists now. It was said that the USSR will bury America. It didn't. It is said that Arab States live in the 8th century and can't understand the concepts of democracy. I say they can but it will take some time. [A lot of time.]
You say we caused the suffering. (I'm not strait up in disagreement) That could be debated for another 100 pages Simon. But hear me; I believe we owe these people. Leaving them broken will not change anything. They need our help. Not just our politics, not just words, but our help.
Letter from a friend in Iraq
by Yerusalyim inok, i won't give his name, but he is a major with an engineer unit in iraq.
here's what he has to say on iraq, i've highlighted a few interesting points.
it has been a while since i have written to my friends about what's really going on here in iraq.
Are you really being serious SS?