C W P's have many benifits like the "Brady Law" not applying to you. & yep the Federal firearms laws of 1934 limit a lot of types of weapons (Like sawed off's). That's OK though I still don't have a use for an M203 grenade launcher & if I ever feel the need for a fully automatic machine gun then I will apply for the license. For now, I just don't feel the need. I laugh at the "Assult weapons ban" that Clinton is so pround of. Banning baynett lugs.... we are all safer now Vermont & Alaska don't require a CWP anymore. It is still a good idea to get one in Alaska though. That way you can carry in States that reciprocate.
JoinedPosts by Jayson
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
So you supporting raising taxes is going to create jobs? You want me to work harder in my business so I can be taxed more and this will aid you in being hired by me? Raising taxes on employee's through L&I and employment payroll aids in creating jobs? In Washington St they knew that raising taxes on payroll will kill 250,000 jobs not to mention not creating any new ones. Many States don't want to follow the facts that taxes do not promote growth. And they are reaping their fruits in the ecomony today. The fed tax cuts got us out of the ressession. How fast things really improve depends on how fast States that are in the red pull their head out of their butts.
I always say "If you want a job their is a job for you." To many people don't really want a job so they stay where they are and bitch and moan about how a job is not provided for them. Maybe this can't cover every person in every situation but as soon as you start to believe that their is not a job for you I bet you can't find one. If you make an honest attempt to get work doing whatever it takes be it relocating, schooling, changing your lifestyle, or self employment, I bet you can find one. But you have to want it and you have to try. We make it to easy for people to not have to work.
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
To late, not a debate, already got the refund.
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
No, please, whatever you do, please don't invest your money, and thus lower interest rates even further! Spend the money, and generate economic growth, instead.
Investing is a term with many meanings. A few thousand dollars can get you into a home. But hey don't ever do that. Rent from me instead. Make my payment on my investment so I have more money for bullets for my guns & more gas for my SUV. (All the while my "investment" grows.) You can have the "gin."
why don't you give me some of your money? I promise it will increase your revenues.
The promise (
lies) of inflated government. -
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
I'm not an accountant.
Really what a shock. I bet your not an economist either...
The war is costing the us govt billions. It may cost up to 100 billions to rebuild iraq. It's questionable if much oil revenue will trickle back to govt coffers.
Has nothing to do with this.
If you are not an American what do you care? Oh yes pissing on an Americans party oh no lock the thread this is exclusive to Americans Lock it Lock it Lock it
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
I agree D E what Cali has done to it's citizenry is horrible. It's dosen't have to be that way. It is one of the most successful parts of the world. Your State's GNP would rival most countries. BTW gun control is a little out of control in Cali. What's up with that? Is it going to succed and join the EU?
I'm thinking about getting an SUV. I plan to fill it up and race it over the mountian passes wide open! (With some of my guns) It's my gas I paid for it I'll drive and do as I please. If a person wants an electric car good for them. I don't care.
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
Yes well my new slogan is "Buy a gun, piss off a liberal." That is a great way to spend a tax refund IMO. We all are paying less in 2003 so that is in the paycheck (as opposed to taken out in Federal withholding.) Where's your check D E? I don't know. Refunds were done according to SS#. And refunds for people who never paid federal income tax well thats a little tricky. & I don't understand how one does that. If you think you have one coming get it! It's a good thing...
God Bless George Walker Bush
by Jayson ini just got my tax break refund in the mail today.
i am so excited.
having republicans in power is a good thing.
I just got my tax break refund in the mail today. I am so excited
Having Republicans in power is a good thing.
Gov. Dean Heals Leper, Walks on Water
by George W Bush in(2003-08-04) -- gov.
howard dean cemented his democrat presidential frontrunner status today when he healed a man of leprosy then walked across the surface of a small lake to his next campaign appearance.. .
the vermont governor also shocked the pundits with his simultaneous appearance on the covers of time, and newsweek.. .
My question was gauged towards a poll I was part of over Clinton and his inhaling issues. It was one of the questions they asked me. Not my view but if I have used them.
Anyway, as i said before, it's w bush's own standards that are the guage here, and also the republican to an extent.
I thought that this was a thread on Dean. When did it become a thread on Bush?
Dean gets a "pass" his theiving son gets a "pass" and then we focus on "Bush bash" which is the whole platform of those running against him. Maybe with that being all they stand for there is little to talk about. Looking at all the action that Bush has taken those who support the idea of a one world order or who distain the idea of Americans putting America first Bush is all there is to talk about. I read your links and all I saw was a reference made that it had been 25 years.
“I have told the people of this country that over two decades ago I made some mistakes, when I was younger,” Bush said. “I have learned from those mistakes.
How is that so horrible to say? -
Gov. Dean Heals Leper, Walks on Water
by George W Bush in(2003-08-04) -- gov.
howard dean cemented his democrat presidential frontrunner status today when he healed a man of leprosy then walked across the surface of a small lake to his next campaign appearance.. .
the vermont governor also shocked the pundits with his simultaneous appearance on the covers of time, and newsweek.. .
Hey S.S. You ever do illicit drugs?