My favourite &'worst is "sometimes the unobservable is observed" ... Wow that is dumb, if'it is obseved we can test it ..... But we never do.
I would imagine that a scientist would know that when humankind observes something new for the first time, that's it's going to be hard to pin down. Why does science take so long? Because it's an incremental process. Just because we can observe something, like the effects of electromagnetism, doesn't mean we know and can test everything about it. Why DON'T we have it all mapped out? We ARE observing it on a regular basis?
We are a transcendent species, which means what's NOT observable to us at a certain point of time MAY be observable in another. To animals electromagnitism isn't something they are concerned with because they lack the capacity to understand it. Yet, through the process of evolution they eventually developed a high thinking mind and were able to comprehend and manipulate it. The awareness of electromagnistism came through an incremental process of comprehension.
Similar to science our interactions with the great beyond is also an incremental process. Again, we call this revelation which Thomas Paine so aptly described as a personal experience which could not be empirically demonstrated to others. He didn't say the supernatural didn't exist, he said that it was mysteriously confined to the experiencers. That's why I brought up the psychic in the Dawkins series "Enemies of Reason" a few posts ago. He can ONLY corroberate evidence with others of his peer review group. There is a brick wall between his experiences and the scientific community because his was one of personal revelation. Dawkins has no choice but to leave him to his devices, but he doesn't have to accuse him of fraud or stupidity.
latin and seraphim both go to hospital when sick, not their minds or a crystal store on ebay....when life and death is in the balance they snap out of the woo and come to science.... At least, I really sincerely hope they do.
Of course I go to the hospital when I am sick, if I have the money.
That is me signing out, I come here and give my time to help people with genuine questions and wanting to understsnd science, as,I once did, not to argue the unknowns. You two may think it is funny or entertaining to use JW logic in seeking uninforrmed back doors to deny reality...but people will read this,and get caught up in your woo. Every time you read of someone denying science for woo and hurting themselves, know that such illogical, uneducated, unintelligent, unscientific, biased, bullshit...harms people. Do not dare joke or take that sentence lightly, children die in the hands of parents denying science and administering prayer or spirit or some other woo.... There have been several cases in the last 5 years and it amounts to child abuse, what you promote is no joke, it is no HOBBY latin, maybe it is time to grow up.
Snare, I strive to provide the antithesis to the thesis, which has the nifty result of synthesis. I like to provide the other side of the coin especially on a forum with lots of one side. I actually take faith healing very seriously. The hobby is foruming, not faith healing.
How many people in your medical career are you going to have to tell they are going to die no matter what? Remember, I said that I wanted to fill the holes Science leaves behind, not replace it. I OBSERVE the failings of Science and wish to suppliment, it's not the devious cause as you making it out to be. I simply reject the idea that all we have is Science which comes with an extreme amount of suffering. We are both doctors in our own respect because we both seek to heal our fellow man. I highly respect people like you who work hard for the benefit of others. Please don't get the idea that I believe you are obsolete in any way, shape or form.
I think it's important to point out that I totally logically agree with everything you have said thus far, minus the ad hominems. My logical mind says, YES faith healing is NOT a replacement for the medical industry, at least not yet. But there is something IN me besides my logical mind and it tells me there is something more. As I look back in the historical record I see nothing but endless possibility. I see people being raised from the dead, the sick being cured and then, for some reason, it all melts away like a painting getting wet. My gut tells me it was real, not my logical processors. I have faith that we can bring it back, and I know if it were true even you would get on board. Because in the end we both want the same thing, life to the FULL.
Enjoy arguing with the findings of reality for the rest of your life, keep in mind where you turn to when you need technology, medicine and answers and i'll go on supportimg the looking for such findings so we can help more people like you.
OK, but I ask you to keep in mind who the patients you claim have no hope to live turn to.