Oh my stars!!
*getting worried about my friends up there*
Oh my stars!!
*getting worried about my friends up there*
how did that happen?
frog joke.
a frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller.
name plate that the teller's name is patricia whack.
Arrowstar of the pain in the head class
some pics from last weekend..enjoy!.
district overbeer.
Great pictures!!
Thanks for sharing.
a texas state trooper pulled a car over and told the driver that because he had been wearing his seat belt, he had just won $5,000 in the statewide safety competition.
"what are you going to do with the money?
" asked the policeman.. "well, i guess i'm going to get a driver's license," he answered.. "oh, don't listen to him," yelled a woman in the passenger seat.
Good joke!!
gosh, there are so many new persons here; i feel terrible that i simply don't have the time to write to all of you.
i'm really glad you're here, and appreciate all the questions/insights/smiles you bring to the board.. rosemarie
Welcome Black Sheep and all the new ones!!
kick off your shoes and stay awhile...
as some of you know i have been have a few health problems lately.. i went to the doctor today to pick up my application for a handicapped parking permit.
when we talked he said he would sign it for a year.. well he signed it as "permanent disability".
in one way this is good because if they don't figure out the problem and find a solution i won't have to keep applying for it.
((Lady Lee))
you have our support...
not sure if anyone saw this...............i guess they've found a new species of dinasaur in india that lived 65 million years ago; i mean, which must've bin destroyed at the flood.. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=9&u=/ap/20030814/ap_on_sc/india_dinosaurs_3.
with the "cloning" that scientists have done (most notibly, with dolly the sheep), do you think it's feasible that they could in fact, make a dinasaur from dna?.
If the DNA were actually in the mosquito that sucked the blood, it is feasible. However, highly improbable. During the fossilization process, the living tissue decomposes and is removed leaving only the bones which are like rock. The excavation of said fossils is a lengthy process. The bone is wrapped in plaster of paris and shipped to the museum for further cleaning. Molds are then made from the original bone. What you see at the museum is seldom the original bone.
But I digress...can you tell I have a future palentologist for a son?
Arrowstar of the ask me about dinos class
Nope...couldn't do it.
Might want to...but just couldn't
this old fart is now officially 39 years old.
this old fart will be over the hill next year!
ah, life!
Happy Birthday to you!!