Prisca & ashitaka -
Oh the joys of living on a budget, eh? But ya gotta admit...we do it with style and grace.
there are days in our lives that make you think maybe we're not in this alone.
a higher power....or just sheer, blind luck?
don't know...don't care...but if i had any sense i would be buying a lottery ticket.. now that y'all are thinking..."what is that crazy redhead up to now?
Prisca & ashitaka -
Oh the joys of living on a budget, eh? But ya gotta admit...we do it with style and grace.
there are days in our lives that make you think maybe we're not in this alone.
a higher power....or just sheer, blind luck?
don't know...don't care...but if i had any sense i would be buying a lottery ticket.. now that y'all are thinking..."what is that crazy redhead up to now?
There are days in our lives that make you think maybe we're not in this alone. A higher power....or just sheer, blind luck? Don't know...don't care...but if I had any sense I would be buying a lottery ticket.
Now that y'all are thinking..."what is that crazy redhead up to now?"...let me tell you.
I don't know how many of you know but I'll be moving at the end of the month. Moving in August in Texas...can you say INSANE?? This move is because the complex I'm currently living in raised my rent beyond my budget. So began the desperate search for a place to live. Should I go on the month-to-month plan for rent? No, that's even more expensive. Do I put in my 30 day notice without already having a place to go? What to do ...what to do? Worry...fret...worry. Normally, I'm a pretty rational woman able to handle most things. But, I just played this scene in January and now I've got to do it all over again. All around me my friends are saying "'s going to be alright." or "Now, hon...we'll take care of this." In my head, I understand this and know that everything will be just fine. each day passes and nothing is turning come the panic demons.
Money is very tight and the expense of this move is my biggest concern. Nothing extra can be included in the budget this month. Nothing.
Earlier this week, I found a place that will work just great. Cheaper rent (savings of 66 cents) area....200 sq ft more space. Sounds great, doesn't it? Oh but wait...there's the application fee. Don't forget the deposit. Doing the math with the deposit...could be no groceries for 2 weeks. (worry ....fret) I take the complete application to the new place and write the two checks. My hand is shaking as I'm writing the deposit check. It's at that moment the leasing agent says, "just post date the check because we don't cash it till you move in" I look up and say "Promise?" Later that afternoon, I get a call from the leasing agent. She can read my social security number and she needs it to run the credit check. ( check? I'm doomed) I give her the number and hope for the best. On the drive home, once again the leasing agent calls. This time "I've run your application and your credit is good...great. We're just waiting on a couple things from your current complex and your place of employment. Should know Monday." My credit?? good?? The woman is insane but who am I to tell her that at a moment like this.
Today, I took my son to the new complex to show him where we would be living. Since it's a holiday the office was closed. We head back toward home with a stop at the grocery store scheduled. I've noticed that my steering wheel had begun to shake for a while now. Just another thing that will have to wait because the budget is bare. It's a fairly long drive from the new place so my son has begun to drift off in the back seat as we travel down the interstate. Now, I'm hearing this noise. Very steady. dat dat dat dat ...over and over. Road noise? I turn the radio down...and it's still there. I slow down and it slows down. I'm looking to the right toward the sound just when ..BAM!! I see pieces of rubber flying away. Mind you, with the holiday, traffic is very light. I pull off the road...tell my son to stay put...and start to get out of the car. In my head I can hear every word my Daddy ever said about what to do should you have a blow out...all the steps necessary to change a tire...and so on. As I get out of the car, I happen to look up and a van has pulled over and is now backing up to get closer. Out of nowhere here is someone to help. Bless his heart. He changes the tire to the "donut" they call a spare these days. He tells me ..."don't drive over 50MPH...don't drive too straight to Sam's a membership? straight to Sam's since they're open and get a new tire." And with that...he left. Just as quickly as he was there...he was gone.
Off we go to Sam's. During the drive, I get on the cell phone to let people know what's happened. It's a holiday ...nobody's home. Finally, I reach someone and they tell me.."get the tire. I'll bring you some money over tomorrow. It's going to be alright." At Sam's, the gentleman behind the register asks "is that you? the green car?" So, he goes out to inspect the car and determine the correct size tire needed. Back he comes and begins his search on the computer for the tire I need.
"I've got a Michelin that will do. They come as standard equipment on a Honda Accord."
"how much?"
"I'm much? Do you have anything...cheaper that will work?"
"I've got a Goodyear for $58 but it won't match the others. You'll always have an oddball when you go for new tires."
"We're not talkin' shoes here...I'll take it"
It's at this point he scans my Sam's card. "Seems you qualify for a pre-approved Sam's credit card with a $300 limit. Would you like to accept the offer?" After recovering from the shock, I ask him to say that again. He does. I tell him with tears about to fall..."You bet!" His next question, "Do you want to put this on the card?" "You better believe it"
I leave Sam's with a new tire and a new credit card.
It's all going to be alright.
Who'da thunk it?
hi you all.
just wanted to try how this site works,for a start.. love from denmark
Welcome Free Mind!!
a couple days ago minimus asked the question (anyone notice he's always asking questions?
me: snobbery, ignorance, flourescent lighting and hands that are shedding innocent blood.
People who play on and manipulates the emotions & hearts of others; intentionally and willfully - for their own gain. (whatever it maybe).
We may be strong enough to stand for ourselves and try to let their actions roll off our back...but sometimes it still hurts. Hurts a lot. I can never understand why someone would intentionally harm an innocent. Is it to give them power? Feed a depressed ego? Whatever their's not good enough to give them an excuse to hurt someone. I'm sorry...just my opinion...but it's wrong. Plain and simple...just wrong.
*putting away her soapbox for another day*
god, i've been in a "fluff" mood lately!
so, what's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
mine: raspberry stoli cosmopolitan.
Lemondrop Martini
A good margarita
Bloody Mary said favorite....
Arrowstar of the can't make up her mind class
heheheh i've just made myself a jedi master!!!
it took me more than a year too.... a warm thanx to all who made this possible, simon and ang for setting up this board and all the others for roaming it and making it an interesting place to say the least!
with my new status i plan to utilise the dark side of the force to the max, so consider yourselves warned!!
Well Done!!
i've shared a bit about my experiences but i don't think i ever gone into much detail.
i'm setting this down as an example of what growing up a witness can be like for any lurkers who have doubts or questions.
i was born into a family of witnesses.
You're a helluva a woman...don't you ever forget it...
yep...july 1. almost a firecracker.
trot .
: "life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we may as well dance.
Happy Birthday!!
when was the last time someone kissed you?.
i can't remember, it's been too long...
About a week if we talkin' steamy....but that will be taken care of tomorrow evening...
Sweet kisses from my son...two weeks...which is too long...but again...that will be taken care of this weekend...!!! WOOHOO!!!
All things is good
Arrowstar... to those that want 'em or need 'em
what song makes you turn up the car radio and start singing!.
song that kicks in the automatic pilot and takes over.. i heard a bunch of "steely dan" on the radio today and most of the songs i had completely forgotten about.
they made some good songs in the 70's/80's.
Oh!! Talking Heads..."and she was"
is that the name of it...?? y'all know it....I know you do.
Willie Nelson's "Bloody Mary Morning"
Jackson Browne "Runnin' on Empty"
Those are a couple of good road songs.