Things are starting to come together in the new place. Hey!! I found a curling iron this morning. Life is good.
You're right. We need to get together soon and have a good visit. I would like that very much.
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Things are starting to come together in the new place. Hey!! I found a curling iron this morning. Life is good.
You're right. We need to get together soon and have a good visit. I would like that very much.
dr pawlowski from wroclaw university, poland, has found that the perfect height ratio to find your ideal partner.
aparently the man should be 1.09x taller than the woman.
this would give my ideal partner height at 5ft, which more than half of my girlfriends have been!!!.
Wait!! What are you saying??
Are you saying that size DOES matter?!?
Who'da thunk it??
<--------running like hell
dr pawlowski from wroclaw university, poland, has found that the perfect height ratio to find your ideal partner.
aparently the man should be 1.09x taller than the woman.
this would give my ideal partner height at 5ft, which more than half of my girlfriends have been!!!.
Tink!! Don't encourage the man!!
I thought I taught you better...
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
You're such a sweetie. I am going to take my time getting unpacked. There are just the essentials to take care of and the rest will come in due time. I'm excited about the new place. I see such potential there. I think the old place was just a holding pattern, if you will. I never really unpacked or decorated or really cared. But this place...well, I just think it's going to be beautiful. A real home. I'm already feeling a sense of peace when I'm there.
And this weekend...Friday night is an engagement party...Saturday is COMF's gig...Sunday..well that's more relaxing.
Life is good...and good people like y'all make it all that much sweeter.
love ya
dr pawlowski from wroclaw university, poland, has found that the perfect height ratio to find your ideal partner.
aparently the man should be 1.09x taller than the woman.
this would give my ideal partner height at 5ft, which more than half of my girlfriends have been!!!.
Who's bright idea was this? huh?!?
Although, there is something to be said about a "good" fit....
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Ravyn -
As soon as I figure out which of the gods are in charge of moving, I'll let you know. Obviously, my offerings were up to par.
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Ahhh...y'all are so kind. I really appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
before i begin let me just say that this is just a rambling from a tired and scared gal, who in her heart knows that it's all going to be just fine.
i just need to babble for a bit and get it out of my system.. as some of you know, i'll be moving to a new apartment on saturday.
this came about because where i'm currently living has raised my rent beyond my means.
Panda -
Yes it's over. If something could go wrong, it went wrong. It cost more than double than originally thought. It started a day late because of the movers. But it's done. All that is left is the unpacking. I've been doing that some a little each evening after work. My calves have finally stopped quivering in pain. It's all going to be just fine.
The new place is going to be lovely. A new place...a new beginning. Who could ask for more?
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and well wishes. It means a lot to me.
off with the kimbies and on with the trainer pants.
i'll be wiping my own bum in no thyme.. .
Congratulations smack!
You'll be a Senior in no time at all!
Here's to ya!
the merriam-webster dictionary describes this word as: the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; in other words, gaining something good, from something bad or accidental.. .
many of us can relate to this.
take an unplanned pregnancy for one thing.
SheilaM -
Thank you for this thread.
Often out of chaos comes beauty....