Happy Birthday!!
dear had enough,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday!!
through life we have but one tool we can actually use to help us along the way.
with this gift come all other gifts.. here is the link!.
tomorrow, august 12
does that make me 30?
a little birthday story....
Rosemarie -
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!
May this day be the first of many happy days filled with sunshine and love.
Arrowstar / Lisa
simon, it finally worked....please disregard all those desperate emails to your posted email addie..... congratulations,.
frannie b
It's a union meeting!!
i know, i know, i'm the quiz queen...but here it is, by popular demand...:p
here's the site:.
here are my results...hoooly schmoly, i can't believe how dead on they are, and all you have to do is pick some colors, too!!.
Yes...we are the problem children in the community.
Special is as special does...
here's the site:.
here are my results...hoooly schmoly, i can't believe how dead on they are, and all you have to do is pick some colors, too!!.
Your Existing Situation
Sensitive; needs esthetic surroundings, or an equally sensitive and understanding partner with whom to share a warm intimacy.
Your Stress Sources
Wants to overcome a feeling of emptiness and to bridge the gap which she feels separates herself from others. Anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to explore all its possibilities, and to live it to the fullest. She therefore resents any restriction or limitation being imposed on her and insists on being free and unhampered
Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction from sexual activity. Clings to her belief that her hopes and ideas are realistic, but needs encouragement and reassurance. Applies very exacting standards to her choice of a partner and wants guarantees against loss or disappointment. Your Desired Objective Seeks the determination and elasticity of will necessary to establish herself and to make herself independent despite the difficulties of her situation. Wants to overcome opposition and achieve recognition. Your Actual Problem Strongly resists outside influence and any interference with her freedom to make her own decisions and plans. Works to establish and strengthen her own position. Your Actual Problem #2 Afraid that she may be prevented from achieving the things she wants and therefore demands that others should recognize her right to them.wow...
simon, it finally worked....please disregard all those desperate emails to your posted email addie..... congratulations,.
frannie b
See!!! I told you so...
simon, it finally worked....please disregard all those desperate emails to your posted email addie..... congratulations,.
frannie b
Now Dr...you know Tink would not reject you.
there are days in our lives that make you think maybe we're not in this alone.
a higher power....or just sheer, blind luck?
don't know...don't care...but if i had any sense i would be buying a lottery ticket.. now that y'all are thinking..."what is that crazy redhead up to now?
Cathy & Frannie -
Thank you both so much. It's funny how these old threads remind you that you're not alone in this old world.
Y'all just made my lousy day a whole lot better.
I can't thank you enough.
Arrowstar of the I'm in the new place and all will be well class