SixofNine -
I know well of COMF's kisses <dreamy sigh>.
Funny...he didn't mention you. But, he's a wacky kind of guy when it comes to kissin' strangers and leavin' them wantin' more...if you know what I mean.
i use to hate kissing.
i was a virgin until i was 19 and married.
i hadnt had a chance to experiment with kissing in my teenage years.
SixofNine -
I know well of COMF's kisses <dreamy sigh>.
Funny...he didn't mention you. But, he's a wacky kind of guy when it comes to kissin' strangers and leavin' them wantin' more...if you know what I mean.
hello, new member here.. i registered a couple of years ago, but my initial experiences here were not of the warm/fuzzy variety, which must have been what i needed at the time; so, i left.
recenty, a friend gently suggested that i might want to give interacting here a second try.. so's i don't have to type it twice, i offer here a hyperlink to my member profile.. although one might reasonably be named "cruithne" - especially if one is irish or scottish - it is not my real name.
well, of course it is my real name, in that i choose to be known by it.
This is a wonderful place.
a hint: one of our apostobabes has already posted the pic once before on this board.
if you know who it is, shhhh, don't tell .
worth a nomination?
here's one for you...
Arlington, TX 76006 (recently moved there)
all right folks... the number one most important thing about a person is?
you guessed it, what kind of music they listen to.
so list your top ten bands/artists in no particular order.
oh ok...let's see here
1. Bruce Springsteen
2. Bob Dylan
3. Eagles
4. Stevie Ray Vaughn
5. Billy Joel
6. Garth Brooks
7. Sting
8. The Police
9. Willie Nelson
10. Johnny Cash it's a mix...sue me. There are way too many artists that I like to really do this justice.
Xena -
oh baby girl, I'm glad we could make you smile if only for a moment.
You guys are good people, you know that don't you????
Thanks, sweetie. But don't say that too loud...we might get the big head and suck up all the oxygen in the room.
You get on up here soon. You need it and we would love to have you come for a good visit.
oh hon...I can understand how you feel. I'm the last of my line. After my mother passed, suddenly the rest of the family just drifted away. All I have in this world is my beautiful son. My grandparents are gone, my parents are gone. The friends from college...well, don't hear from them. Friends from work...well...that's the work association thing.
There are times when I feel so very alone even in a crowded room. But we come into this world alone...and in all truth....don't we leave this world alone. People will pass through our lives. Some will be for only a moment...Some will be for awhile....and some...some will stay. Only you can make yourself happy. It's hard when you look around and there is no one around to reach out to in a moment's notice.
I think I've drifted here...but please understand that you are not alone in this feeling. You are a strong and beautiful woman. This will pass.
Arrowstar / Lisa
ps...get yourself up to Dallas!! We'll have a good visit. Could be just what you need...
"it's written on the wind, it's every where i go.
so if you really love me, come on and let it show.".
if you can gues this....well, you're at least my age (or you know a hell of a lot about pop music.).
oh good grief I know this....
I hear the song...but can't think of the artist. DRAT my feeble brain!!!
not sure if anyone saw this...............i guess they've found a new species of dinasaur in india that lived 65 million years ago; i mean, which must've bin destroyed at the flood..
with the "cloning" that scientists have done (most notibly, with dolly the sheep), do you think it's feasible that they could in fact, make a dinasaur from dna?.
Neon.. I agreed. No more Jurassic Park movies.
Czar...Andrew Carnegie was HUGE in the location of dinosaurs. Spent lots of money on sponsoring dino finds.
gumby...actually other dino bones have been found in what would be the stomach cavity of a dino fossil. A T-Rex teeth are about 6" long and serrated like a steak knife. There are holes in other dino bones (like a triceratops) in which a T-Rex tooth will fit. Evidence of a fight. Tracks found indicate that raptors were following a herd of plant-eaters and attacked. There's evidence out there. Also, the fossilized dino droppings give evidence as well.
not sure if anyone saw this...............i guess they've found a new species of dinasaur in india that lived 65 million years ago; i mean, which must've bin destroyed at the flood..
with the "cloning" that scientists have done (most notibly, with dolly the sheep), do you think it's feasible that they could in fact, make a dinasaur from dna?.
Kevin has been interested in dinosaurs since the around the same age. At age 5, he went to hear Dr. Robert Bakker speak here in Dallas. He's met several paleotologists. I am constantly amazed at what he knows and how quickly he knows it. What his goal is to disprove Jack Horner's theory that T-Rex was a scavenger. Boy howdy, does that tick that boy off!!
Here's to our future palentologist!!