I'm giving up hope right now. I can't see what will get them out. I'm completely helpless here...perhaps that is what I meant. It's no slight on you, my rage. I certainly don't mean that there is no hope for your family, but for me, I've given up.
I was under the delusion that my family would someday leave, but I don't think that's ever going to happen. I have almost no friends, because I'm scared to death of making them (my wife has an even harder time than myself), and we despise our families for their cowardice and inaction.
I'm so goddamn tired of fighting. I fought since I was a little kid. I'm so worn out, and I have no one to hold me up. My wife is sickly, and my family isn't very strong. My wife's family still persecutes her, which hurts her very much. I can't seem to find the time to get myself together.
I wish I had a network of ex-JW's who lived near me, whom I could REALLY talk to, not just on chat. While this can be therapudic, it is very cold, and I really need someone older and wiser to talk to...a mentor, if you will.
But, do you think that your hope is based on reality or dreams? (That is not a slight.) Truly, do you think that they will change?