Ok, here is what happened yesterday afternoon when I went to pick her up. First off the Y called saying they are calling all parents asking them to pick up their kids early (because of the snow). I didn’t want to drive (the school is only a few blocks away). I decided to walk so that way on the way back I could have a talk with her as we walked back home. When I went inside the classroom the lady in charge of the kids came up and started talking before I could say a word she said that she had kept those two mean girls and my daughter separated the whole afternoon, making sure they kept busy with different kids on separate sides of the room.
I said I appreciated that and just so she knew, I let her know that my husband and I talked to the director that morning, notifying her of the situation that was going on. I also said that I was extremely upset over what those two girls said to my daughter yesterday which she didn’t know about. I said that I was shocked that two little girls would say something like that and my husband and I want the best for our daughter and would not allow her to be in an environment where that type of behavior was allowed.
I said we want disciplinary action needs to be taken with the two girls and the behavior to cease. She said she completely understands and will be speaking with the director to about disciplinary action for the girls, even if it means suspension from the Y or expulsion altogether. Then she said, “I’d rather have your daughter here then them, they are making things difficult for other kids too, what they said yesterday is simply not allowed.”
The entire time I could see out of the corner of my eye one of the bully sisters staring at me. I turned around and stared right back at her, as if to say “yes, I am talking about you.” She then looked away. I told the lady at the Y I would be coming back the next day to find out what is going to be done. She said of course and that in the mean time she will make sure they are separated. She also said she would talk to the parents of the two children that evening.
As I walked home with my daughter I asked if the two bully girls said anything to her, she said no not really, I didn’t talk to them at all, except J---- (the younger of the two) came up to me and said “stop talking about me” and I told her I wasn’t.” I said well she probably knows she’s in trouble. Then I explained that some kids may be having problems or someone at their home is being mean to them, so sometimes when they come to school and they feel bad they try to make other kids feel bad too. She says “I know, and that’s not very nice, if they feel bad they shouldn’t give other kids a hard time, it’s not respectful”. I told her that I wanted her to know that it is not her fault, and her dad and I are making sure it won’t happen again.
Thanks again for the advice, I’ll let you know what happens.