truthseeker's synopsis:
The youth is in high school, is an excellent runner, and gets side tracked from spiritual things. Though he is not yet baptized, he is working towards it, and pressure from the coach to win the tournament causes him to miss meetings. His father is an unbeliever, but his mother and grandmother are witnesses. An elder helps put his goals right, and he makes the decision to leave the team and take up regular pioneering. The story is about 45 minutes long.
Having seen this production at a recent bookstudy, I would add that the elder mentioned above was an gentleman that had survived the concentration camps in WWII Germany as a loyal JW. His story paralleled the youth's in that he had been an Olympic hopeful himself (a swimmer), but had weighed the choices and left swimming to start pioneering just before Hitler came into power. Although portrayed in an emotionally appealling manner to JW's, the elder was a study in absolutism and I almost expected to see him berating Col. Hogan or Sgt. Schultz. Instead we see his gentle tutelage guiding the youth away from his own heart's desire.
IT Support makes an observation at that this DVD verifies.
What is most disturbing about this DVD is that the choice presented is black or white, the world or Jehovah. It is not balanced at all. If someone has a "gift" why not use it to the glory of God? Life is not the one-size-fits-all straitjacket that the WTBTS would love for us all to believe.