Abortion is murder, the taking of a human life. Worse yet, it is the taking of an innocent human life. It is a perversion of morailty and judgement to claim otherwise.
Simply restating an opinion that other people have pointed out (with reasoning) is not one they agree with is something you can do all you like but it means nothing more than it already did (or did not) mean.
It is still just your personal belief, not a fact. And it's one whose true meaning (if any) in lost in semantic obfuscation due to how you state it.
Quite why I should adopt your personal belief, especially when couched in vauge terms and when indistinguishable from an unprovable religious belief, I don't know. You certainly don't answer the question of why my actions or those of others should be influenced by such beliefs or show me that the facts I base my opinion on are false.
Please answer the following questions; you don't have to, but further response to you is of little worth unless you do. Without these answers you give me little or no reason to take your beliefs as any more important than those of people who believe (to quote Monty Python) "every sperm is sacred". I have numbered them for ease of reference and to make keeping track of those that do or do not get answered easier.
1/ What do you mean by life exactly?
2/ Do you distinguish between 'a human life' and 'part of a human organism'? Yes or no.
2a/ If 'yes', then 'a human life' normally comes with a personality. Do you support the same rights for humans with personalities as for those without personalities? Yes or no?
2b/ If 'yes', why? Is protecting collections of human DNA devoid of intellegence or personality somehow holy or important?
3/ As previously mentioned, some anti-choicers see spermatozoa and ovum as a human life, and would hold you in the same moral odium as you hold someone using abortion to terminate a pregnancy. Why are they wrong and you right?
4/ Where do you personally draw the line of something being a human life? Gamate? Zygote? Blastocyst? Embryo? 1st trimester Fetus? 2nd trimester Fetus? 3rd trimester Fetus? Convicted child murderer? Explain your choice.
5/ If taking innocent human life is wrong, then the death penalty as utilised by Saudi Arabia, Iran, China aund the USA is also wrong, as undoutedly innocent people get killed by judicial execution in these countries. How do you manage to support one form of innocent murder and condemn another? Is it okay to murder an innocent human (if one see defines both an embryo and an adult as human) if twelve people and/or a judicial system (or an iman) make a mistake but not okay if a condom breaks? Obviously you might not be able to explain this apparent contradiction in your stance (at least to your satisfaction), or this might not bother you, but if you cannot supply me with an opinion that doesn't contradict itself why should I consider that opinion worthy of support?
6/ As it seems you support the rights of organisms with less brain tissue and less advanced neurologial development than a rabbit, do you also object to animal experimentation and follow a vegan or fruitarian diet? If not why not? As with my question over the death penalty, to be against killing a fetus with less than a gram of nerve tissue and for the killing of others organisms which are far more sensate and neurologically developed seems contradictory to me, and I need to understand why I should pay attention to your beliefs if they are contradictory or illogical.
I think it is possible you are merely a sentimental speciesist, which you have every right to be. But you do not have a right in a secular society to impose beliefs of no greater validity than a typical religiously predicated belief (even if you are an atheist) on others.
It is up to you to show your repetative insistence (that abortion of a human zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus, (you draw the line) is equivalent to murder of a human being with intelligence and a personality) is anything more than a supersticious pseudo religious belief.
You don't have to but why you think someone should change their mind if you don't or are not capable of doing that is another thing all together