<<We see her fixing starship parts - we see her salvaging and washing ship's parts to sell to Plutt in exchange for food. Then all of a sudden, this means that later on she's a good mechanic who can fix the Falcon better than Han can. This is bollocks, and one bit of evidence for Rey being a Mary Sue.
And she has. knowledge of the 'Falcon's maintenance history - we're not told this in TFA movie. Are you sure you're not fan-splaining?>>
Consider yourself schooled:
INT. MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT - SAME Han enters the cockpit.
HAN Twelve! Fourteen.
A moment of private joy. Then he sees something that ANNOYS him:
HAN (CONT'D) Hey! Some moof-milker put a
compressor on the ignition line! Han moves to the corridor.
Unkar Plutt did. I thought it was a
mistake too, puts too much stress on the hyperdrive--
So, Rey has knowledge of the 'Falcon's maintenance history and is knowledgable enough about starship engineering to have informed opinions about it. Maybe actually watching the movie better rather than reading the impassioned screeds of fanbois who have exploding head-canons would help in having an informed opinion?
<<Maybe she's worked with BB series droids or other astromech droids? - urggh, more fan-splaining! We don't see any other BB-type droids on Jakku, we don't even hear Rey talk about interacting with these droids before.
You know this how, having admitted we don't know her backstory - c'mon, don't be silly. Going by TFA movie, Rey shouldn't be able to understand Chewie. Finn couldn't but as a stormtrooper, FN-2187 had more likelihood of bumping into wookiees that Rey. Finn travelled around the galaxy with the First Order; Rey was abandoned on a little rock in the middle of nowhere aged about 5. And yet, somehow Rey can understand Chewie no problem, even translating Chewie's words for Luke in TLJ, but Finn can't understand sh!t.>>
Look, we've established you missed entire sections of dialogue that rubbish part of your contention. You are now claiming knowledge of a negative which as any atheist knows is impossible.
<<We certainly see Rey gain power as she realises her latent Force powers - but not by the usual Padawan-Knight-Master route that every other force-sensitive being in the whole of the SW franchise took.>>
Luke was never really a Padawan, Hell, he was never really a Jedi knight. So again, you are wrong.
<<By the time she does the rock lifting she has arguably had more training than Luke had when he destroyed the Death Star with an impossible shot - Luke had actual lessons with Ben. Lessons where Luke f**ked up and looked silly, but put these things right in later lessons. Rey's lessons with old Luke on Ahkh-To cannot be counted as actual training, surely.>>
Tatooine to Alderaan in the 'Falcon is generally accepted as being somewhere in the order of two days according to canonical data. Rey was with Luke on the island for two days (that we see). And Luke says he has only seen one person more powerful than her; that means it is, in order, Kylo, Rey, Emperor Palpatine, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-wan Kenobi. In-film dialog confirming she is more powerful than Emperor Palpatine. So they had the same training, more or less.
<<So, lifting tons of rocks w/out actual Jedi training is ridiculous, much more ridiculous that Luke hitting the main reactor.>>
See above comment.
<<Yeah, I missed that. Never seen people dancing and exchanging moves? Naturally skilled dancers can watch someone do something and duplicate it. Hell, Mozart at age 14 heard 'Miserere' a 14 minute long complex choral piece performed in the Sistine Chapel, went home, and wrote it down from memory - what the f**k has this got to do with Rey pulling off a Jedi mind trick or the SW franchise in general?! Seriously, dude.>>
No. You. Dude. Seriously. She is the second most powerful Force user Luke has met. If one of the most talented composers ever can do something NO ONE had done in 150 years - transcribing from memory a two-choir, nine voice polyphonic masterpiece - just because he was so prodigiously talented, in real life, then a similarly talented Force prodigy can do amazing shit even if she has boobs.
Nope, you being too invested in your precious head-canon to accept the twin of the powerful Jedi might have in extremis unexpected abilities - this is nonsense. Before the space-flying, Leia had only talked telepathically with Luke. That was it. Then she can fly in space. This is Mary Sue right here."
LOL, ever heard of hysterical strength? Like when a woman lifts a car of her child. Real life things happen that show you don't credit what actually happens in real life happening in a movie! I find your lack of faith disturbing. LOL
<<SJW do not exist except as a pejorative term used by those who are unable to come up with a concise description of the behaviour they are criticising or the identity of groups that exclusively engage in those behaviours, or even the listing of a local SJW group - ok, on the same basis I can say that The Patriarchy doesn't exist either, except has a pejorative term used by contemporary feminists. See, we can all play that game, chuck.>>
We live in a patriarchal society.
<<And anyway, wanting social, racial and sexual equality is not a bad thing. That's what social justice is. You fighting against that? - It depends what kind of equality we're talking about. I'm all for equality of opportunity.
But I'm dead against equality of outcome - that's what I'll be fighting against.>>
Equality of opportunity? Do we have that? When the average financial worth of a black family in the US is 1/10th of a white family? When in many companies the Board of Director is just men? You think that disparity exists when there is equality of opportunity?
Be careful how you answer that.