Diogenesister - I never knew this twist until now !
GiftsinMen - I purchased your book about 2 months back - thanks!
another member on here announced the publication of my new book "gifts in men, a heavier responsibility" a couple of months ago and some of you asked who i was as to my authenticity and motives.
i have had an amazing reaction to my book even from jws who know me and my story but were still shocked at the details.
i was not raised a jw, not disfellowshipped nor disassociated and loved being a regular pioneer, serving in uk and ireland.
Diogenesister - I never knew this twist until now !
GiftsinMen - I purchased your book about 2 months back - thanks!
so i had a discussion with my mother about this, and she claims that because of this that: "we are surely living in the last days right now" while i must admit myself that the situation seem chaotic, i don't want to believe that it is the last days.
so question is, how do i face an opinion like that?
Which is the 5th most populous "nation" on earth today?
The number of people living in countries not their own now comes to 220 million, and that's an almost unimaginable number, but it means that if you took the whole population of Canada and the whole population of Australia and then the whole population of Australia again and the whole population of Canada again and doubled that number, you would still have fewer people than belong to this great floating tribe.
during the proceedings of australian royal commission, as many of you, i also took time to share with the office of mr stewart, my thoughts and perspective on what what being said and not said by the witness elders on the stand.
within a day a received a reply from office of angus stewart thanking and appreciating the insight from those on the "inside".
yesterday i received a further email that my correspondence was passed on to case study 29 (jehovah's witnesses) team for their consideration.. it sounds like they are taking all our collective experience and knowledge into account as the commission continues its work..
I have mentioned before that some of the info folk have sent has been filed by the ARC - This is what occurred with info I sent [which was by an large a compilation of material from Barbara and from JWN on the 2 Witness Teaching] - The reply came from the CEO of the ARC - Philip Reed.
Angus was responding to e-mails on the same day during the hearings.
[Now if our rugger team [Boks] can perform in the RWC as he did in the ARC things will be jolly for sure !]
according to the newest watchtower:.
jehovah communicated with adam in the garden of eden, using human language.
god likely did so in an ancient form of hebrew.
so, hubby gets contacted today by one of the elders saying 2 of them want to pay us a visit and asks him when we are available.
we both had the heart drop feeling for a few minutes lol.
but he promptly, and politely, informed them that we are very busy but he will let them know when we are free.
I would advise against allowing them the "foot in the door" to what could lead to a JC process. This is a man-made concept and as the ARC has shown up, it is riddled with flaws -
The primary goal of any True Shepherd would be to impart love - and we know that this is not about that !
Marvin Shilmer's blog pages has an excellent check-list of what to do in prepping for a JC but the points could be used even in such a "visitation" as you can at least pave the way for any further process that may occur - eg taping the events etc having a third party present [ you don't have to tell them that this will be the case] Don't give too much info. Don't play your whole hand !
i think you people would like to know that since the public hearing has finished.
there has been ongoing contact made to me by the staff at the rc.
they have been inundated with calls and the same experiences or similar ones are being related.. the staff are not backwards in coming forwards with insights that they have shared.
umbertoecho To share what you have mentioned - they even respond to non-Australian data presented to them - I can confirm this in my own case - I received replies from none other than the CEO of the ARC itself - Philip Reed
Chief Executive Officer [as copied off an e-mail]
Wow ! the responsiveness is touching and so it should encourage timid and fearful ones to come forward and one needs to let victims know this !
You certainly would not get a single response from the GB ! In fact as you may be aware if you phone the Service Desk you will not be told who you are speaking to - FACT. You get "the Voice" .......and the first 2 questions it asks is : Who are you and which congregation are you in. And that is to prevent it from being fingered in any litigation etc How Loving ! "Nearer my God to Thee"
so, hubby gets contacted today by one of the elders saying 2 of them want to pay us a visit and asks him when we are available.
we both had the heart drop feeling for a few minutes lol.
but he promptly, and politely, informed them that we are very busy but he will let them know when we are free.
You need to push aside the FEAR - it has dominated your lives.
My "deal" with them was:
You can come for a Beer and Barbecue but not a Tribunal - They have never been and all contact with the entire congregation has been severed by word of mouth it would seem [the grape-vine].
Free at Last !
found this on my facebook page that someone had posted , just a joke i hope .
We have a little harbour-village just outside Cape Town called Hout Bay and they have some crazy signs up even saying "Welcome to the Republic of Hout Bay" and you can even get a "passport" from the local Tourist Info centre - all tongue in cheek - in fact more non-HoutBayers own the passports - its a little money-spinner - I am sure the Oz folk are not this conceited and I also posit that the sign was put up by locals - its not an official govt sign. Chill out guys !
In fact if you care to google Orania - this is a little town in South Africa that is still in the Apartheid dark ages - everyone in the town is ..................................Caucasian - and you feel the white supremacy ideology very strongly. They still fly the old Aparheid flag in the town.
one of my favourite youtubers, winston from jamaca (watchtower examination) has provided some feedback from jacko's testimony at the victorian royal commission.
he examines only part of the testimony and brings up some interesting points.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-xzivv0q8s.
I just love the accent if not his eloquence in putting this across !