Just a question......................................................
Does one require a CATHOLYTIC CONVERTER in order to carry out the move ????
Just askin ..............................................
hello i was wondering if any ex jw have converted to catholic?
i have been tossing the idea around a bit and wondering if it was woth it from personal experience?
Just a question......................................................
Does one require a CATHOLYTIC CONVERTER in order to carry out the move ????
Just askin ..............................................
no wonder the elder's are becoming burned out and stepping down!
2015, information needed for visit of circuit overseer.
.. click the green download button.. .. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
no wonder the elder's are becoming burned out and stepping down!
2015, information needed for visit of circuit overseer.
.. click the green download button.. .. information needed for visit of circuit overseer .
The circuit overseer will obtain personal and spiritual information from each one’s Congregation’s Publisher Record card,
with the layoffs of bethelites and special pioneers, does anyone know if they get some sort of "redundancy" payout?
In order to assist with the distinction between an employee and an independent contractor, the courts have formulated a number of tests, the dominant impression test which was accepted by the Labour Appeal Court in SABC v McKenzie:
Some of the important characteristics of the contract of employment and the contract of work, respectively, are:
Will usually state the intention of the two parties to the contract - meaning whether it is intended to be an employer/employee relationship or an independent contractor relationship? The courts will not simply accept a contract at face value. They will investigate the true nature and realities of the relationship, and will not bind themselves to what the parties have chosen to call the relationship.
Therefore, despite the fact that the contract may emphasise throughout that the relationship is that of an independent contractor, the courts will not simply accept that at face value. They will dig much deeper.
They could get away with a retrenchment process [here] if they had kept the Bethalites on Temp contracts However this too would be open to challenge in the courts as you cannot keep someone indefinitely on your books without it creating the expectation that this is actually permanent employment - You have to be sleazy about the employment relationship all the same !
with the layoffs of bethelites and special pioneers, does anyone know if they get some sort of "redundancy" payout?
life is to short - a section of my post got deleted : I was meant to state that this is the South African situation and only after the Dept of Labour came down on them for having people in their employ under the guise of the vow of poverty when they are employees according to the way the employer/ employee relationship is defined in law over here !
So a vow of poverty is meaningless over here as the very nature of their relationship at Bethel - they way they work etc defines them as employees -
first, i'd like to give a big thank you to the anonymous person who provided me the files.
second, if you have the rest of the english videos, or anything else you would like to leak, please pm me.. download links in the descriptions and here.
That over-emphasized gesturing by Lett gets my piles activated every-time ! Its so affected and artificial and condescending !
local jehovahs witnesses kingdom hall attacked, man arrested.
posted: oct 19, 2015 9:00 am mdtby anthony j. garcia.
brian oatman.
in 1967 an archeologist found at tell el-deir alla an inscription that they called the book of balaam son of beor.
this looks to be about the same balaam that's talked about in the bible book of numbers.
remember the guy where his donkey is talking to him.
living with 4 other guys.
"good morning, richard!
richard is almost never in the house.