Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
Its worth a view if you have not yet done so:
the wtbs is changing media from print to online.
if we look at other companies doing the same the obvious buissness model is subscription with a monthly fee people can choose themselves.
the wtbs can continue to offer everything for free, however subscribers might earn a button for social media or somesuch ("wtbs donor").
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
Its worth a view if you have not yet done so:
this is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
Being "in " and not bothering about your core doctrinal date is rather like having a malignant tumor on your forehead and being dismissive about it !
a while back at our co visit, he commended the cong.
because our average hours had gone up.. we went from around 7.3 to about 7.5. i recall the days when anything less than 10 was considered awful.. of course now, they don't even print the hours in the km or anywhere.. i was wondering how these numbers compared to other congregations?.
Depending on the CO you could be measured against the "Standard" 10 hours or against the congregation average ...if it was higher than 10 !!! or against the National Average which was about 14 hours !
And of course we elders had to endure having our Record Card being handed out and discussed during his Friday night nit-pick session -
Never were the charitable works of any brother discussed when considering him for "the office of overseer" !
God ...its good to be Free !
stumbled upon
a ministry of misery.
A congregation in the Ultra- Right Wing conservative city of Bloemfontein [South Africa ] had a cupboard for white shirts and would request visiting speakers to change shirts if their own shirts were too colourful ! I kid you not !
And god-forbid you pitched up in a "pink number" ! Pink anything was Verboten !!!
this is not an attempt to 'straightjacket' anyone into a fixed interpretative perspective.
so set your mind free and see satan and his demons if you reallynwant to adopt a possible jw perspective.
or, just sit back and watch the show and the trick affects if you want.. or like the uk guardian you could see the movie in terms of dysfunction (personal and family).. quote: the original movies were always based on the most extraordinary nexus of personal and family dysfunction: a motor of guilt, shame and conflict.
It opened here in South Africa yesterday with some fanfare and not a spare ticket to be got - I will see this one for sure [I am not a SW fan ....sorry ! ]
I know many a seasoned dub who love SW so .................I wont tell them about the Taoist connection ....yet !
despite claims to the contrary, there's no guarantee the watchtower will be around in a few decades time.
and it seems to me there's ever mounting evidence that the opposite may well be true.
but it's not just that recruitment is down and their defectors are up.
Via Fictitious FB and GMail accounts I have just kept on feeding in WT iniquities to people - some have blocked the account and FB so I just keep moving on -
However I can assure you that I will shortly be an expert in understanding the inner workings of human Cognitive dissonance - Wow it runs deep .......frightening .....!
If you read the post from the Andersons / Reveal News on Splanes X-Splanation to the Portuguese on being wary of enema's of the State of JW - simple comments - They obviously are cocky enough to believe the R+F will take it in and believe it ........and I think many will just keep on believing !
watchtower life story of karl klien governing body was very sad.
clearly shows the pressure to do more.
baptized at 12 years old he became a teenage elder.
We have and had family in Bethel and they tell us the place runs on Prozac / St Johns Wort and the like !
Should get Cheech and Chong to assist them with some "meds" .....................hey man !
watchtower life story of karl klien governing body was very sad.
clearly shows the pressure to do more.
baptized at 12 years old he became a teenage elder.
for those that believe in the flood story as genesis says, then they also are forced to accept a huge amount of evolution, way faster than any evolutionist would propose.. from a basic selection of "kinds", to the several millions of land species there are now, and in only about 4000 years.. not to mention the many types of birds that made it to remote islands, and then somehow lost their ability to fly... not even possessing wings( ex- dodo bird, moa).
scientists agree this was a process that took eons of time.. i was thinking of this because we just had a public talk on noah.
i sure couldn't make a fool of myself on that subject, going on how "factual" it all is..
""It has been estimated by some that the hundreds of thousands of species of animals today could be reduced to a comparatively few family “kinds”—the horse kind and the cow kind, to mention but two. The breeding boundaries according to “kind” established by Jehovah were not and could not be crossed"""
And then the sum total is .......................we are not told who the Some are !!!
Here we go again - divining quotes and force fitting puzzle pieces !