• Sour Grapes

    Use of first names at the KH

    by Sour Grapes in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    have you ever noticed that know one uses first names at the kh?

    it is how are you brother jones?

    how are you sister smith?

    1. BluesBrother
    2. 3rdgen
    3. Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I was counselled from the platform by a CO for addressing the people by their first name when I was doing the old Weekly Bible Reading review -

    Seemed rather odd as before and after the meeting we use first names.

    Also that a non-JW was to be addressed as MR / MRS xyz

    Rulz Rulz and we love Rulz

  • The_Doctor10

    Crisis of Conscience

    by The_Doctor10 in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    for those of you who haven't attempted to read or just haven't been able to obtain a copy of crisis of conscience by former gb member raymond franz, if you're interested, here's a link to an audio playlist reading of it:.


    this person has made it his goal to put into audio form raymond franz's book.

    1. JWdaughter
    2. Diogenesister

    I really enjoy this audio version and I think the narrators reading style and voice has added tremendous value to this. Its well read.

    I have downloaded each one using the YTD Video Downloader and converted it into Audio MP3's for playing in the car etc



    by DATA-DOG in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    well, once again my "friend" has shared their notes with me from the latest co visit.

    besides the usual 1914 assertions/ world getting worse all the time/ our day is the worst of all time nonsense, the co mentioned some interesting things.

    number one won't surprise you.

    1. Vidiot
    2. pepperheart
    3. cultBgone
    They Fart from their mouths and speak from their derrieres !
  • MarieK

    Hello Everyone

    by MarieK in
    1. jw
    2. experiences

    i hope everyone is having a good saturday.

    i've visited this many times in the past month or so, joined yesterday and finally got the nerve to post!

    needless to say, i'm super nervous, being new to this whole experience.

    1. whathappened
    2. wannaexit
    3. Stirred

    Hi Marie K - Welcome !

    Care to indicate which part of the planet you are from ??

    I am in Cape Town South Africa

  • opusdei1972

    My sister is being harassed by the elders

    by opusdei1972 in
    1. watchtower
    2. scandals

    sometime ago i wrote here in this forum about the case of my sister, who decided to stop attending the meetings because she realised that the watchtower society is an evil organization.

    this happened more than one year ago.

    i am not living in the same country of my sister, so i learn about her case when she calls me or when she write me through whatsapp.

    1. opusdei1972
    2. ToesUp
    3. FayeDunaway

    Any chance she could get them "filmed" appearing at the door etc?

    Definitely make a statement with the Police - then its on record.

    Record all the conversations [phone and in person]

    Threaten to take the matter to a Talk Radio Station.

    Threaten to put their calls and the video on the WWW / YouTube.

    Take advice from a lawyer. If he starts writing letters to them they will have to respond via lawyers which costs money.

    Read this post:

  • Esse quam videri

    Annual JW Pride Day

    by Esse quam videri in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    what would be jw's reaction if the governing body, in all seriousness, announced a new jw pride day to be celebrated in the congregation every year?.

    1. Half banana
    2. Downtowner
    3. Watchtower-Free

    LOL ...Don't give them ideas !!!

    I would so like to have the above pride sign printed onto self-adhesive stickers and pay some homeless dude to paste them on the vehicle windows at the RC !

    ...don't put ideas into my head !!!! Love it !