How prophetic this Topic was to become !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18th October 2015
hi folks.
i'm aware that there is already a thread on the newly-announced elizabeth mcfarland lawsuit, but i thought i would start a new thread for the benefit of lurkers showing the newly released news videos more prominently.. here they are....
How prophetic this Topic was to become !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18th October 2015
in short:- tight pants is no longer just a am3 hang up (or is that a hang up on the well hung?
)- brothers who have effeminate body language are flagged up- as are sisters with 'masculine' hair styles or dress- such dress is 'disturbing to the congregation'- the above must heed the (repeated) counsel from the elders...or they get stripped of the right to share on the ministry- however...this will not be revealed (announced) to the congregation.
"""Over on JW Survey, there's a great leak regarding tight pants from a new CO outline for their meeting with the elders during congregation visits.""""
Love your choice of words here of course ! I guess the outline could not contain itself any longer !!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lol !
so, if lying or being deliberately misleading is a "disfellowshipping" offence, why haven't the brothers who lied to the australian royal commission been brought before a judicial committee?
sorry to be so blunt, but you only have yourself to blame if you realize something is wrong but allow your cognitive dissonance to kick in.
if you are confronted with facts which are reported by reliable sources which are hard to dispute and deny, and you choose to dismiss these as "apostate lies" rather than looking at these from an objective point of view, it's your fault and you deserve the consequences of willful ignorance!.
Divergent - Respectfully.... your comments betray a lack of understanding of Cognitive Dissonance and the associated Psychology of the mind attached to that and - are without doubt a little too heavy to put it mildly - -
While its true that ultimately only we individually can change our position / situation in life - the person locked in by his CD at any point in time cannot see that otherwise he would not be in the situation he is in.
Please bear in mind that many of us here have been along some difficult paths in life. Some are here to find solace - some bear the scars and wounds of severe trauma in life - eg the loss of their own children etc
hello guys, i've been an off and on reader of the various discussion threads here.
i'm sankara (obviously not my real name), a third generation born-in, currently an m.s, and yeah, writing from nigeria.
discovered ttatt a couple of years back while i was in college.
hello guys, i've been an off and on reader of the various discussion threads here.
i'm sankara (obviously not my real name), a third generation born-in, currently an m.s, and yeah, writing from nigeria.
discovered ttatt a couple of years back while i was in college.
sankara23 - Hello ati ki o kaabo!
quincemyles - Hello to you too !
I am in Cape Town - You are welcome to stay in touch with me !
i remember hearing the sounds of the train horn blowing on january 1st 2015 and remembering, "another year and no armagedon".
and i was so disappointed.
i hated to hear that train whistle blow.
LevelThePlayingField the effect for me is the same - Its liberating piece of music that I have to confess [ and I am a "tough" guy ] gets me choked up at times - I see in that train humans striving - struggling with their proverbial torture stakes - I also see the "worldly ...doomed....people " who everyday all bloody-well getting off their derrieres and striving to make a difference in the world and in the lives of their fellowman - while JW.CULT does sweet Fanny Adams ! ..."Oh we just wait for the Big Guy to press the big red button of Doom - solve the problems in one Big Genocide "
Stay well !
i remember hearing the sounds of the train horn blowing on january 1st 2015 and remembering, "another year and no armagedon".
and i was so disappointed.
i hated to hear that train whistle blow.
LevelThePlayingField / Beth Sarim - Listen to this music by Pat Metheny - Its a wonderful metaphor about life's struggles and strivings: