JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
My Bethel Experience Part 7
by new boy inbesides the about 48 hours you worked there a week, you would have other duties too.
there was dish duties.
then you had the night watchmen duties.........once every 2-3 years in the home, you pulled an all night watchman duty.
Keep going .........! I feel a book comin on here ! -
Reasons for NOT Returning Pt. 2
by Saved_JW inwe know he is our son, the parents answered, and we know he was born blind.
21 but how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we dont know.
he is of age; he will speak for himself.
loving your postings here - couldn't have come at a better time in our lives as we received a huge collective shunning from our immediate families yesterday [ we are not DF'ed / DA'ed] BUT the love, logic and pragmatism from our "condemned" worldly family who have only ever supported and loved the JW family has been Amazing - I am sharing your info with them too ! -
Ex JW's - Which Christian denomination are you with now and why?
by Truthexplorer inthis is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
I still believe in an Intelligence of some kind "out there" but will never again align with anything that smacks of religion/ worship/ doctrines/ dogma / leaderships by men etc etc
I spend a lot of time in nature - Mountains/Sea and actively pursue Mindfulness in my own way - and my wife and I being musicians, find tremendous solace, fulfillment and reward being involved in and with music -
Baptized in 1974 and faded totally in 2012 - elder for 15 years
Have a wonderful circle of friends who are of all sorts of beliefs and faiths -
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
Thank you so much for the update about her and her ARC testimony ! I hope that having finally been there [it was undoubtedly very emotional and stressful for her] she will find some form of release and succor - and will now soar to renewed heights in life - -
This Week's Catastrophic Tornadoes
by janusfulcrum inthere have been many numerous and destructive weather events in the last week in the us.
holly springs, ms was basically leveled, and a check reveals a congo there.
dallas and garland tx suffered greatly also.
My thoughts are with Any and All those affected by this -
Please see this link :
you will notice the wording under the photo ? """Jehovah barely spared Bro Steeles life ! """
Can my friend be DFd for dating a non witness and wanting to get married to him
by cognitivedizzy indear all, need some advice .
in my country one can get dfd for pretty much anything the bullies want to df you for.
but is there any specific guidelines that state one can or cannot be dfd for marrying a non witness.
And if he is a good-looking person expect a vicious backlash from the single repressed sister-hood toward the JW girl [yourself?] - This is precisely what happened to my sister + she was then individually shunned by those in congo who felt that she was now not acceptable association + a marking talk was / will be given [this is mandatory for acts of brazen conduct] which means by ought not to associate with this person but you may choose to do so yourself .................
Historically what happens when someone gets hooked up "out of the Troof" is that the authority structure moves to act quickly as often this sets off a chain reaction within the congo/circuit especially if the JW is popular / well known. And suddenly there is a rush of uneven yokings - Don't be surprised if they even involve a CO etc
This is a loving organisation ..............dont forget that !
Prediction: sign up with monthly subscription fee
by bohm inthe wtbs is changing media from print to online.
if we look at other companies doing the same the obvious buissness model is subscription with a monthly fee people can choose themselves.
the wtbs can continue to offer everything for free, however subscribers might earn a button for social media or somesuch ("wtbs donor").
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists (HBO)
Its worth a view if you have not yet done so:
Video: 607 & 1914 Why These Dates Matter to Jehovah's Witnesses
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
Being "in " and not bothering about your core doctrinal date is rather like having a malignant tumor on your forehead and being dismissive about it !
Congregation average
by dothemath ina while back at our co visit, he commended the cong.
because our average hours had gone up.. we went from around 7.3 to about 7.5. i recall the days when anything less than 10 was considered awful.. of course now, they don't even print the hours in the km or anywhere.. i was wondering how these numbers compared to other congregations?.
Depending on the CO you could be measured against the "Standard" 10 hours or against the congregation average ...if it was higher than 10 !!! or against the National Average which was about 14 hours !
And of course we elders had to endure having our Record Card being handed out and discussed during his Friday night nit-pick session -
Never were the charitable works of any brother discussed when considering him for "the office of overseer" !
God ...its good to be Free !
Wire-Rim Glasses
by berrygerry instumbled upon
a ministry of misery.
A congregation in the Ultra- Right Wing conservative city of Bloemfontein [South Africa ] had a cupboard for white shirts and would request visiting speakers to change shirts if their own shirts were too colourful ! I kid you not !
And god-forbid you pitched up in a "pink number" ! Pink anything was Verboten !!!