JoinedPosts by AFRIKANMAN
No Sports Cars Please!
by snugglebunny ini read on a jw forum that jw's came in for disapproval if they drove either sports cars or 2-door cars.
the reasoning was that a driver couldn't easily take fellow dubbies out preaching in such a vehicle.
was that ever official policy or just local nonsense from a grumpy po?.
stan livedeath - you lucky bugger ! -
David Robert Jones [Bowie] ; 8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016
by AFRIKANMAN indavid robert jones; 8 january 1947 10 january 2016.
David Robert Jones; 8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016
Is the Watchtower organisation facing the biggest crisis of its history?
by slimboyfat inrecent developments make me think they might be.
the problems they are facing are not just lack of funds but also draining authority, and the two could be a heady and explosive mix.
one of the best analyses ever written of the watchtower was a book called "trumpet of prophecy" by sociologist james beckford in the 1970s.
Using the benefit of Hind-sight ...............and after nearly 60 years "in" and now out ............I ask myself was ANYTHING in this group EVER Relevant ? .................. I answer NO ! Never ! -
Umbertoecho here.
by umbertoecho inhello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
You Rock !!!!! -
Have we become what we despise so much?
by Tenacious inthe majority of members who tend to join this forum have been hurt possibly even traumatized sometimes to the point of wanting to end their lives.
upon joining the forum, new members are welcomed with open arms, welcome messages start pouring in, "likes" are freely given, a false sense of security is promoted where a member is free to speak his mind without having to worry about the wt gestapo.
again, similar to how potential converts are welcomed and "love bombed" upon entering a kh for the first time.
Try to stick it out and work past the few antagonistic doof-balls here - Maybe the toxicity runs deep and requires specialized therapy to excise from their lives - I keep reminding myself that a few months back - when still "in" I was just like that to - "Father forgive them ......" -
My Bethel Experience Part 7
by new boy inbesides the about 48 hours you worked there a week, you would have other duties too.
there was dish duties.
then you had the night watchmen duties.........once every 2-3 years in the home, you pulled an all night watchman duty.
Keep going .........! I feel a book comin on here ! -
Reasons for NOT Returning Pt. 2
by Saved_JW inwe know he is our son, the parents answered, and we know he was born blind.
21 but how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we dont know.
he is of age; he will speak for himself.
loving your postings here - couldn't have come at a better time in our lives as we received a huge collective shunning from our immediate families yesterday [ we are not DF'ed / DA'ed] BUT the love, logic and pragmatism from our "condemned" worldly family who have only ever supported and loved the JW family has been Amazing - I am sharing your info with them too ! -
Ex JW's - Which Christian denomination are you with now and why?
by Truthexplorer inthis is a question for ex jw's who have joined another christian faith group.
the purpose of my question iis to find out which christian faith group you chose after leaving watchtower and what convinced you to travel this new spiritual path you are on.
i am interested to know because i personally would like to find a genuine faith group where i can feel true christian liberty as i initially thought i had with the witnesses.
I still believe in an Intelligence of some kind "out there" but will never again align with anything that smacks of religion/ worship/ doctrines/ dogma / leaderships by men etc etc
I spend a lot of time in nature - Mountains/Sea and actively pursue Mindfulness in my own way - and my wife and I being musicians, find tremendous solace, fulfillment and reward being involved in and with music -
Baptized in 1974 and faded totally in 2012 - elder for 15 years
Have a wonderful circle of friends who are of all sorts of beliefs and faiths -
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
Thank you so much for the update about her and her ARC testimony ! I hope that having finally been there [it was undoubtedly very emotional and stressful for her] she will find some form of release and succor - and will now soar to renewed heights in life - -
This Week's Catastrophic Tornadoes
by janusfulcrum inthere have been many numerous and destructive weather events in the last week in the us.
holly springs, ms was basically leveled, and a check reveals a congo there.
dallas and garland tx suffered greatly also.
My thoughts are with Any and All those affected by this -
Please see this link :
you will notice the wording under the photo ? """Jehovah barely spared Bro Steeles life ! """