For some background, I am still in. Still an elder. Very much awake. Still trapped by family, spouse, employment, yada yada. I am trying to gently wake my wife up so she doesn't freak out and divorce me to stay in the Truman show.
(btw Wayward Pines is a new TV mini series that is eerily like being a JW)
Anyhow, we haven't watched a broadcast yet. She has barely mentioned them. I have, up until now, thought this was a good thing (which it is). Now, though, with this Lett money-grab episode, I'm thinking it may be a better move to get her to watch it to see what they're up to. I'm torn because I see the broadcasts as additional indoctrination sessions, so part of me doesn't want to go there.
Any thoughts? Your help is appreciated.
PS - Admittedly it will be hard for me to sit through it without pointing out the lies and deception. Hell I can print off the letter that has the additional instructions for elders concerning the new "no mortgage" program.