mayhem - some sicko's been mailin' me:
To Do List
1) fix this when conscious
this thread is for those of alleged "fuzzy thinking" who have had it with the bs everywhere else on this discussion bored.
let them have the rest of the bored.
we'll have this lil piece of sanity--on our terms.
mayhem - some sicko's been mailin' me:
To Do List
1) fix this when conscious
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
good morning ianao, or is it hunk? or is it dadee?, or is it dark clouds?, or is it focus?, or is it suzi mayhem?, or is it cowboy?, or is it bad associate?, or is it goo? or is it riz?, or is it acapulcogold? or is it hilary step? or is it lone wolf? or is it.............oh WTF good morning whoever it is ROBOCOP asserts you are this morning
ps. guys found this pic of janh getting ready to sit down at his computer for another day at
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
morning everybody
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
morning everybody.
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
i am a policitcal conservative, at least a fiscal conservative and sociel moderate.
i support the death penalty, but i agree that our judicial system needs to overhaul how wwe treat criminals to achieve better rehabilitation results.
and of course, withhold the death penalty in cases where there could be doubt.. in mcveigh's case, i believe that he deserves the death penalty.
welcome to europe - birthplace of the fascist regime.
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
ROBOCOP.........ROBOCOP...........come in ROBOCOP......
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
abbadon - thanks for the excuse to send this to the top again - and while i'm at it here's a suggestion - BUTT OUT - of things that don't concern you.
interesting that ROBOCOP hasn't showed to prove his assertion yet he insists everyone else here has to prove theirs to him.
still rotfflmfao
robocop i'd hate to see this classic representative gem of your comprehensive stupidity hidden away in some dim dark little recess of this site for you to sneak away from and others not to enjoy:.
"cowboy", a new id here, wrote: .
quote: .
hi cowboy - sorry to drag you into this like this - but hopefully the end result will be that moron ROBOCOP (otherwise known on this site as janh) will think twice next time - before making any more of his unsubstantiated assertions/speculations -
you may or may not be aware - ROBOCOP (whom i have good reason to suspect is a borg mole)- has been doing this to me and others here for months and it's high time - in the name of tolerance and free speech - the bozo is stopped from doing this for good -
ROBOCOP and his cronies have driven many a worthwhile, genuine contributor to this forum away from the very real support they need here - for no other reason than having viewpoints contrary to "his"/"their" own form of borg inspired online heirarchial fascism
despite being the intellectual giant he claims to be - and counter his "opponents" with solid factual debate - when it comes to the crunch - ie. "his"/"their" humiliation - "he"/"they" usually go running, crying to the guy who runs this site - with their tails between their legs - in private emails and by posting here on the forum - demanding the "offensive" poster - be deleted
it's true that jerks like ROBOCOP probably will never learn - and this thread may be an exercise in futility but that is not about to stop me from trying -
the benefit of this thread to the site is that in future - genuine posters like myself and yourself will be able to find some solace here - without the heartless JUDICIAL COMMITTEE style scrutineering domineering bullying tactics - applied to their each every post - by ROBOCOP and cronies - which has been "his"/"their" agenda since their invasion of this site
thanks for making the effort to help me out with this cowboy - it has not gone unappreciated.