This is my first post. However, I have been reading this board for some time (call it stalking or So, HELLO to all.
I have had time to reflect on the AGM since yesterday and my thoughts are that indeed the NWT needed much revision. With that said, I am one that believe that it did not need "scrubbing". The removal of several verses from the Gospel according to Mark and the account of the adulteress in my humble opinion is part of the universal cannon of Holy Scriptures.
With that said, does not the scriptures say in the 2nd letter to Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 "ALL SCRIPTURES are inspired of God and beneficial for TEACHING, for REPROVING, for setting things straight.."
To remove at will, even if a small group of inidividual deem that it should, goes completely against what the scriptures say regarding Gods word. For more than a century (counting the time of the first Bible Students in the late 1800's till this past Friday), these scriptures have always served to be beneficial and teach each of us. To my knowledge, the members of the NWT committee, do not have full access to the original manuscripts. Therefore, how can one determine that certain portions of the scriptures are deemed no longer worthy of part of the cannon of Holy Scriptures?
I will continue to have an approach like the prophet Malachi, wait on our loving creator and heavnly Father Jehovah to make ALL THINGS know at its appropriate time.
I am in no way bad mouthing the GB or any of the members of the international brotherhood. I am merely stating my personal view on this topic after reading so many of yours.
Regards to all.