Aaaah, thank you so much Clarity, this really made my day... together with that beautiful orange/salmon/purple sunset half an hour ago, which completed my gratitude mood ! And such on Thanksgiving day... haha.
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
NEWBIES are leaving like crazy! Be very afraid WT
by clarity in# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
Video is up - Grandma pleads with JW Granddaughter
by BONEZZ infinally got it up on youtube...the title right at the moment is just "grandma" but it's going to change to "grandma pleads with jehovah's witness granddaughter.".
we taped it about a week ago and my mom went into the hospital 3 days ago.
It's so cruel what the WTS demands of their followers... I wish grandma Mary Lou all the best and give her loads of virtual hugs ♥
In my case it's exactly the opposite... my 89 year old grandmother doesn't want to see me anymore. She can't because of her 'conscience'... We've always been very close, but I'm DF'd, so no way I will ever see her again, unless I go back. And that's not an option (even though I've considered it on her behalf, but I know for sure if it was the other way around she would never do the same for me... so I've let go of that idea).
I really hope grandma Mary Lou will get to see her granddaughter before it's too late.
NEWBIES are leaving like crazy! Be very afraid WT
by clarity in# 3 newbie post.
first of all, the newbies have set a record here!.
have you ever seen a 4pg post where 21 new members reply!
This is a heartwarming thread, Clarity! I'm a newbie too, registered 7 days ago. Been reading a lot the last couple of months and come here everyday. I've known TTATT for years now, thanks to a Dutch ex-JWboard, and a couple of years ago I thought I was done with the whole 'JW-thing'...
They kicked me out eleven years ago and I moved on with my life, struggling every now and then, had therapy with a lovely psychologist who helped me a lot to get my self esteem back on track, and I thought I was 'ready'... new life, forget about the JW's.
But it doesn't work that way. You can get the girl out of the cult, but the cult will always be part of the girl... at least, that's my experience. Since my whole family is still in there is this constant reminder of what's missing... caring parents, loving brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews, grandparents, aunts and uncles... they're all JW's, and some have faded but still judge me for living my life the way I want to live it. And that's a pain that doesn't go away. I can live with it, it's not a daily issue in my head, but it's a gap, a black hole in my life that can never be filled with other people... God knows I've tried that!
And so I've started reading on the Dutch board again and found links to JWstruggle and this forum... and it's really soothing to read other people's stories. I can relate to so many things I read, that I just keep on reading... it really helps. I've got a wonderful husband (never been a JW), and he listens to everything I want to tell about my past, but he could never grasp the tiniest bit of what I've been through growing up as a JW. And that's what's so wonderful of this forum, it's packed with people who DO understand, who had the same experiences as I did... and I'm very grateful for that!
Oh and the translation of my name is easy, since I live in Spain in the area they call the 'Costa del Sol' ('Coast of the Sun' or 'Sunny coast') and I'm a witch (yep, that's what I wrote, I'm a white witch) and the Spanish word for 'witch' is 'bruja'... there you go, I'm the Witch of the Sun, or Sunny Witch
Any Fader Disfellowshipped in later Years?
by braincleaned inhi!.
hey, did anyone here ever get disfellowshipped after years of fading, because of having been discovered online saying crap about the wts and/or the gb?.
just wondering... you know they are following these sites....
My ex-husband's uncle was DF'd years after fading. They had moved house, nobody in their new surroundings thought of them as JW's... but when the uncle started smoking and was seen by a JW they called him in for a JC. Of course he never showed up, and shortly after that got DF'd. It didn't influence his family, his wife and children had stopped for years together with him, but for his parents (my ex's grandparents) it was a disaster. All their children were JW's and they were all pretty close, and because of the DF'ing of their son everything fell apart. Aunts and uncles judging each other, judging their parents, the whole clan fell apart through this! And up until this day it never got fixed again... :(
What the hell happened to "Heaven"
by smiddy init seems to me that this 20th / 21st century has made heaven obsolete .prior to this timeframe the average person would have thought ,somewhere just above the clouds is where heaven would be.then gradually as knowledge and science increased ," heaven" has been further removed from the vicinity of earth.then we had yuri gagarin the russian cosmonaut circling the earth in his space capsule , and he wasnt in heaven .now many people from different countries circle the world in space in the international space ship.they obviously are not in heaven either.. not to be overlooked of course is the moon landings , which was a major acheivement for science and engineering when it was first accomplished.. however their has not been one ,not two or even three moon landings , their has been six with a total of twelve humans who have set foot on the moon.
and they never encounted "heaven " for people who dispute the moon landings , do you honestly think other nations ,some hostile to the americans ,would sit back and not challenge these acheivements ?.
after all these years ?.
All the things you mention are physical. The moon for instance can be physically reached in our 3D reality. What people call 'heaven' however is another dimension, we cannot see this from the dimension we're in while we're alive as humans.
My two cents...
I don't have any problem with pagan practices or concepts. I became a witch after I left the JW's and all the hysteria from JW's about witchcraft and paganism is just insane. I don't celebrate Halloween, but I celebrate Samhain, from which Halloween originated.
A time-out sparkly bottle
by jgnat inthis is a great idea for any at-home parent with small children.
a home-made sparkle bottle the child can watch until it settles (and, hopefully, the child settles too).
thinking of faithful witness today..
Just love this idea! Think I'll go make one for myself
Accepting my own mortality, and the naturalness of death - the final step in my JW recovery.
by fresh prince of ohio infor people who have a paralyzing fear of dying, to where it seems like it's this horrible, stalking monster, jwism is a powerful sedative.. but really, the idea of living forever, in human form, is nonsense.
living forever isn't about living forever, it's about not dying.. death is natural.
it can be painful, sudden, or both.
Hi fresh prince of ohio, I can relate to that, even though I don't have such issues with death and mortality.
I've had JW-parents who 'programmed' me by always telling me that NOBODY can be trusted, to be more specific I myself as their daughter wasn't trustworthy! And as a child growing up of course I always proved them right by my actions (telling little white lies every now and then, only because I was scared to death for my dad who used to beat us kids up for any wrong doing... and I'm a very bad liar, my body language and face will blow my cover big time, always!)... It's part of the JW'ism that is still in MY system.
Problem is that still to this day I always feel the need to prove anything and everything I say, do, think, write etc. Sometimes I drive my husband crazy with it. I have a hard time making (and especially keeping!) friends, for I always feel that I'm not good enough to be their friend. Or they're not good enough for me, which also happens a lot. 'Judgemental' is my middle name... wonder where I got that from :S
Sometimes I really wish I would have had normal parents, brought up in a normal family where they love each other unconditionally... I know my family think I'm 'mentally ill' because I left the cult, but it's THEM who are the ones being mentally retarded!
I've had therapy for all of this and came a long way, but I'm still not completely recovered from my 33 years of mental prison! That's why I keep reading on forums like this. It softens the pain to know I'm not alone going through all of this.
And yes, we live our dream by living in Spain, but the dream also involved having a lot of money... and that part hasn't come true yet (not by a long shot!) ;)
Whenever I feel down or scared by financial troubles (or any other troubles), I always listen to an old song by Southern rock band 'The Outlaws': "Keep prayin'"... always makes me feel a whole lot better and strenghtens my believe that everything WILL be alright, one way or another!
Chin up fresh prince, it will get better when you keep looking at the bright side of life: you're out of the cult! That's a great achievement already!
Accepting my own mortality, and the naturalness of death - the final step in my JW recovery.
by fresh prince of ohio infor people who have a paralyzing fear of dying, to where it seems like it's this horrible, stalking monster, jwism is a powerful sedative.. but really, the idea of living forever, in human form, is nonsense.
living forever isn't about living forever, it's about not dying.. death is natural.
it can be painful, sudden, or both.
Thanks for the welcome cofty and doofdaddy. And I totally agree with you cantleave. That's why my hubby and I live in Spain now (we're originally from the Netherlands), a dream come true after years of 'if only' and dreaming about it... We're living our dream right now!
Accepting my own mortality, and the naturalness of death - the final step in my JW recovery.
by fresh prince of ohio infor people who have a paralyzing fear of dying, to where it seems like it's this horrible, stalking monster, jwism is a powerful sedative.. but really, the idea of living forever, in human form, is nonsense.
living forever isn't about living forever, it's about not dying.. death is natural.
it can be painful, sudden, or both.
Nice thread... I've been DF'd eleven years ago and at first I still thought as a JW like 'justice has been done, I was wrong according to their rules' (my sin was adultery). So I was a little scared about Armageddon coming soon, knowing I wouldn't get through it, be destroyed etc. But I felt the urge to get out of the life I had, a marriage that was 'so so' (we were more like brother and sister instead of lovers, and my ex-hb was very dominant and acting like an elder brother, telling me what I could and couldn't do) and a religion that suffocated me... so I took my chances when some internet fling came along.
After a year and reading a lot on the internet it suddenly hit me hard: I am going to DIE! I'm not about to be destroyed in Armageddon, I'm just going to die like anybody else...
It took me weeks to recover! I was born in the cult and 33 when I got out. I always believed that I was going to live forever and that I would NEVER have to die. After I left I believed I would be destroyed. Of course when you use your senses that's the same as dying, but in my mind it was different. 'Being destroyed' would have been an action taken by 'Jehovah or Jesus'... but dying... that would be something that 'just happens', when my time comes...
After that realisation I've started reading a lot, about NDE, the afterlife, ghosts etc. (also something I was really frightened of were 'demons', so that was part of the reason why I had the need to learn more about ghosts) and now I've found my way in what I believe and what I don't and I'm no longer afraid of death (nor demons).
This thread just triggered the memory of that moment when I got 'hit with the news' that I would die too... and that's why I decided to register and tell you guys ;)
Greetz from sunny Spain.