Congratulations, wish you happiness and a wonderful future as a free family!
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
Wife and kids are officially OUT!!
by Oneoutallout inmy wife has told her jw best friend and jw sister that she is givng up the religion!!
and there was i worrying about losing her when i left the cult.
and, to top it all, my 15 and 13 year old children are using their critical thinking skills and can see it all for what it is.
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrate holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
by Stand for Pure Worship ini ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
@Shirley: I've told my age on another thread and have no intention of repeating it. Let's say I'm well over forty. My not going into the 'bullying'-thing is that I really hate discussions and you've said what you had to say, as I did. Nothing more to add to it. As Forrest Gump would say "that's all I have to say about that"
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrate holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
by Stand for Pure Worship ini ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
@Shirley: you're wrong about my age. My children are of the younger generation, they're in their twenties.
New Book Published
by satinka ini have been threatening to publish a book about growing up in the jw religion, then leaving as a mature adult.
well, it's 368 pages and it's done!.
introduction to the book.
What a beautiful post Satinka! You've really touched me with it. My feelings are so two sided most of the time. On the one hand I feel strong, a survivor, a fighter, a woman who found her way in life all by herself, someone who fought for her freedom after 33 years of 'cult hostage'... On the other hand I often feel insecure, weak, alone sometimes since I find it hard to make new friends (I often choose exactly the wrong people, give too much of myself and end up disillusioned when they end up not being worth my time, energy and affection). I have a wonderful husband but he's never been a JW and doesn't understand a lot of my upbringing in the cult...
So your posting is 'balm for my soul'... especially today, don't know why, but I've been weepy all day... so thank you for your encouragement.
With love
Blood sausage
by stillin inwhile visiting our neighbors across the pond, i visited a butcher store to rustle up something for supper.
that was the first time i had ever seen blood sausage.
we just never see it over here in the states.. when a witness leaves the organization over there, do they all eat blood sausage once again?
Oh gosh... haggis... Ate that too once... when I was sixteen and my father took me to a Scottish club in London... Only the smell of it made me feel sick, let alone the taste... YUK!
I love Ireland and the Irish, I'm very fond of Scotland and the Scottish, but some things on their menus are way too much for me...
Blood sausage
by stillin inwhile visiting our neighbors across the pond, i visited a butcher store to rustle up something for supper.
that was the first time i had ever seen blood sausage.
we just never see it over here in the states.. when a witness leaves the organization over there, do they all eat blood sausage once again?
Years ago, when I was still in, I went to an Irish pub (in the Netherlands) with my family. We ordered their regular meal, with things like sausages, beans in tomato sauce, mashed potatoes... and the menu also said 'black pudding'. Now you must know that the word 'pudding' in Dutch means 'dessert'. So we figured 'black pudding' is some kind of desert. We ate our meal. And there were some round 'thingies' on our plates which the children didn't like, and my (then) husband and I thought it tasted a bit weird with a lot of clove but we just ate it (that's probably Dutch... you eat what you've paid for )
When we finished our meal we were waiting for the dessert... but it never came. So we asked the waitress "we're waiting for the black pudding"... and then she said "you've had it!"... We probably looked really stupid, but then all of a sudden it 'hit us'... those weird 'thingies'... that was the black pudding! And then it started dawning to us that we might have been eating blood... We asked the waitress what 'black pudding' is made of... and to our disgust she said 'blood' (amongst other ingredients which we didn't hear anymore!). I had to do my utter best not to vomit in the middle of the pub!!
As I said, we were still JW's, so we felt very guilty for a while, but we really had no idea, so who could blame us??
Ever since I have never had black pudding, blood sausage or anything like that again. I do eat liver every now and then, and I love a medium rare steak, but that one experience with black pudding has made an impression!
Luckily my new husband doesn't like it either...
Our first Halloween was amazing
by confusedandalone innot sure if this is the right forum, if not i apologize.. last night was our first halloween.
i have to admit, the very idea that somehow it is satanic and that it makes bible god cry seemed immensely foolish as we prepared for it.
my daughter was dressed as an undead witch and my son was dressed as thomas the tank engine.
What a nice experience you've had Aunt Fancy! And sorry to hear about your losses... must be hard saying goodbye to 4 people in such a short time
JW came to door
by gma-tired2 injws don't waste time talking today.
she knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left.
i remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation.
@Jam: exactly my story! Same tract... What did you think of it? Have you read it? The arguments used to 'proof' that the Bible is true... pfffff... really blew me away. Because of the stupidity that is!
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrate holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
by Stand for Pure Worship ini ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Giordano, how do you know he's 'having a ball and probably counting time as well'? That's just an assumption, thinking negatively about someone you don't know in person. Hasn't the WTS done enough damage to all of us, do we really need to harm one another with words when someone doesn't act the way we'd like to see or says the things we want to hear? I really don't get that...
A couple of years ago I considered returning too. I told my husband as well as my ex-husband (we're still friends). My hubby has never been a JW, my ex left the cult just a couple of months after I'd been DF'd.
They both gave me some arguments as why I'd better not go back, but my hubby said that I should make a list. Actually two lists. He made me take a piece of paper and write on the left all the reasons I could think of why I should NOT return, on the right all the reasons I could think of why I wanted to return. After that I had to rate EVERY single reason with points from 1 to 10. After I finished I had to add up all the 'go back'-points and also all the 'don't go back'-points. And then compare: which list had the highest points.
Very simple, and it made it crystal clear to me that I had really not enough reasons to go back and all the more reasons to stay away from the JW's and everything going on there!