3rd generation born in, dunked age 16 because my dad sent my worldly boyfriend away and I felt that by getting baptized I didn't lose my love for nothing. Another reason was that most of the kids my age would be baptized that same assembly, so I hoped that they would finally accept me... but they didn't. A year and a half later, age 18, I was married to an elder's son, finally away from home.
The most idiotic thing my dad said after I got divorced and DF'd at age 33: "I can understand that when you get married at such young age, it's possible you've made a wrong choice and want to change it. But I cannot understand that you've left Jehovah".... I was even younger when I got dunked, why can't it be possible to rethink such a decision made at a way too young age???
Like Oubliette always says: "Let's review: It's a cult!"
It had a happy ending after all, since I found my long lost boyfriend after nearly 18 years and we're happily married now