@Simon, Cofty, Iown Mylife, Hortensia, LisaRose, Carla, Oubliette, OnTheWayOut, happy@last, MissFit, Amelia Ashton: Thank you! You guys have made my day, it is the best birthday ever, since I've seldom had this many congratulations at once
@ruderedhead: Thank you. I wrote it just before I got to bed, when my birthday was just starting, so it'll be a blast today and you weren't late at all
@Gregor: Thanks, it is an interesting life and it's getting better all the time! ¡Me encanta España!
@bsmart: it's still my birthday in Spain as well The date is 9/11, I was early with my posting right before I went to bed, so I could enjoy it to the max! Now it's 8 in the morning and still my birthday, so I have the whole day ahead...
@Mum: Muchas Gracias!
@Sooner7nc: Happy Birthday to you too then! Hope you've had a good one.
@Island Man: Haha, you'll get used to it, keep practicing
@Clarity: How does a Sunny Witch celebrate a birthday? On a broomstick LOL (and with homemade apple pie, not necessarily on the broomstick )