Whatever one might think of SFPW... the things I've read in response sound as much as bullying as the things I've experienced at school when I was younger. I don't think this is very loving, warm or anything positive. No matter how he acts on this forum, does ANYONE deserve the treatment he gets? Sorry to say this, but I think this is as bad and unkind (understatements!) as what the JW's and the WTS do to DF'd, DA'd and faded ex-JW's!
JoinedPosts by Bruja-del-Sol
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrate holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
by Stand for Pure Worship ini ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Did you suffer humiliating childhood experiences as a JW?
by yadda yadda 2 inin john cedar's (jwsurvey.org) latest excellent article on his blog about a us teacher that got reprimanded for trying to force a jw boy to salute the american flag, he relates a similar childhood experience where he was terribly humiliated at school in view of his classmates.. this reminded me of a similar humiliating experience i suffered at school, when i was 11 years old.
during our school's end of year 'prom night' (not actually called that in the country i live) which was in the style of a disco night, my unbalanced jw mother came to pick me up early and stormed right into the hall and grabbed my arm and pulled me out in front of all my friends right in the middle of the dancing.
on the way out she gave the teachers a lecture about the music being far too loud and how unwholesome the whole thing was for children of my age.
When I was about 7 years old, the teacher celebrated his birthday with the class. Of course I wasn't allowed to participate, so I was sent to another class and the teacher of that class set me at a table in the front of the classroom with my back towards the class. I've felt so lonely and ashamed because of that...
A week later my teacher came to me right before I went home and he gave me a bag with candy... he saved it for me from his birthday party. I thought that was the sweetest thing, so I accepted it and ate it all before I got home. Of course I felt guilty after that, but the satisfaction and comfort it gave me that the teacher had actually been thinking of me was more important. Twenty years later I went back to my old school and met him again. He couldn't remember me, but I thanked him anyway for what he did for me. I'll never forget him, since he was the only person who actually cared about me during primary school.
I am trying to decide what to eat tonight.
by Iamallcool ini am trying to decide what to eat tonight.
any suggestions?.
We had caprese salad (tomato slices with mozzarella and olive oil with garlic and herbs), another salad (leftovers from the day before) with red pepper, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, carrot, onion and a dressing of olive oil and apple cider vinegar with oregano, basil and parsley and tomato soup (with lots of herbs, garlic, ginger and cream).
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrate holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
by Stand for Pure Worship ini ask this respectfully, and do so after watching a favorite show of mine's season opener which had a new years storyline.
hollywood tends to make movies and television show episodes centered around holiday themes appear warm and blissful.
while i'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, i can't deny my curiosity about ex-jws that do celebrate.
Celebrating holidays is something I like for the special family time... Easter with lots of egg painting with our adult children who still like that since they never had it when they were young, Christmas with all the candles, lights and a beautifully decorated christmas tree in the house... I really like it, but on the other hand it's not an obligation for me. Last year we didn't celebrate Christmas because of our emigration to Spain and I didn't really feel like I missed something. And Birthdays are sort of a burden, since I always forget about them, and I still don't like celebrating my own. It's not part of my 'system'... it makes me feel akward, never learned how one should act/react on your own birthday. The only time I celebrated my birthday with a party, was when I turned 40. But I combined it with a house warming party, because we had just moved house. So the party was more about the house than me
JW came to door
by gma-tired2 injws don't waste time talking today.
she knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left.
i remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation.
@Aude: that's probably what happened then. I didn't like it... but I also wouldn't have liked it if they had left a Spanish tract either I just don't want to be confronted with JW's around my house.
What did we pray for as kids??
by mzmmom inthis just popped into my head.
what did you pray for as a kid?
hopefully your comments will help me remember mine.. thanks.
I don't recall any childhood prayers. Actually I think I didn't pray at all, since I never really learned how one has to pray. The only prayers in our house were prayers to say thanks for food, usually just before dinner. My grandmother used to pray with me when I stayed with her, she would come to my bed to pray and kiss me goodnight, that was her way to try and keep me on the right track, but I can't remember what she said or what she prayed for.
JW came to door
by gma-tired2 injws don't waste time talking today.
she knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left.
i remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation.
Even here in the 'outback' in Spain they have managed to stick a tract in between the gate at our entrance... I must admit, I felt sort of a misplaced sense of shame when I read it... It's nothing like the tracts we had in the past, it's dumb, written for brainless stupids... and the 'JW.Org' logo so prominently on the backside made me sick...
And why the hell did they put an ENGLISH tract at our house??? Do they spy on people to see if they're Spanish or foreign? We have no contacts in the area (only with our landlord two houses down the road and he definitely isn't a JW), our house is in a dead end road and we weren't at home, so our car (which hasn't got a Spanish plate yet) wasn't there to give away our nationality... Really weird!
What Rumors Were Said About You Either While You Were In Or Were Out Of The Organization?
by minimus inwhen i slowly but surely departed, i heard that the love of money was what drew me out.
(yeah, right)..
The first rumour about me was that I had left my ex-husband for a wordly person. And it was true hahaha.
The second rumour was that I had abandoned my children, which was an utter lie. I let them stay with their father, but never abandoned them and up until today my bond with my kids is wonderful.
The last rumour I heard about me was that I became a witch. And that was/is also true.
There are also rumours about me and my hubby (and our business) going around on the internet by non-JW's, but they have initially been started by my own mother and sister, saying we are swindlers. This has cost us money, customers and friends (at least I thought they were friends) and it has really hurt me, since I trusted in the goodness of people. I found out the hard way that there aren't many people to be trusted, in and outside the JW's. And that some people whom you've never met, don't know you at all, just start telling lies about you on the internet and spread it, which leads other 'evil minded' ones to it who put another twisted idea in and before you know it they're saying you should be killed!
Through this thing we've lost people we thought were friends, who believed the stories, I even had to convince my own children that it's nothing but lies... But it still hurts knowing how bad some people are, trying to hurt others, just for their own fun or to soothe their inferiority complex... I don't know why people do such things...
The rumours told about me in the hall are peanuts compared to what some people on the internet dare to say about my husband and me... and it's nothing but assumptions and lies.Maybe I should've posted this in a 'bullying'-thread... something I've been familiar with my whole life, nothing new... I'll just keep breathing and hoping it'll pass again... pffff...
Our first Halloween was amazing
by confusedandalone innot sure if this is the right forum, if not i apologize.. last night was our first halloween.
i have to admit, the very idea that somehow it is satanic and that it makes bible god cry seemed immensely foolish as we prepared for it.
my daughter was dressed as an undead witch and my son was dressed as thomas the tank engine.
@LisaRose: this pic is priceless!!! LOL Would be a nice outfit to do a public talk in, wouldn't it?
So nice to read all the fun everybody had... I'm about to serve the pumpkin soup... not quite sure how it tastes, haha, but the smell is good. Only thing I have to find is my witches hat... black cat (our sweet Bombay cat) is already sitting on my shoulder, her usual spot... no kidding. Will try to take some pics later on..
Our first Halloween was amazing
by confusedandalone innot sure if this is the right forum, if not i apologize.. last night was our first halloween.
i have to admit, the very idea that somehow it is satanic and that it makes bible god cry seemed immensely foolish as we prepared for it.
my daughter was dressed as an undead witch and my son was dressed as thomas the tank engine.
We're having our Samhain celebration tonight. Your story was so great to read CAA (your pumpkin made me laugh out loud because of the 'vomit'... hilarious!) that I really feel joyous and happy already preparing the house for tonight.
I've just placed orange and black candles everywhere, bought a bouquet of flowers (for witches the Samhain night is the night where the 'veil' between the physical and spiritual world is the thinnest, so tonight I will call out to my ancestors to join us tonight in our celebration and I just love to have some flowers when we get visitors ), I've decorated my altar with leaves and nuts and a couple of pottery pumpkins, so it all looks great in our little Spanish house!
And now I'm off to the kitchen to make some pumpkin soup and I also have to bake a cake. Busy busy busy!