I'm so happy for you. Closure at last for the wounds of the past...
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe return.in a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe return.in a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
i guess i'll tell my john de lorean story_______.
in the summer of '74 i moved my family to southern california.hooray for us!
is it ready, john?".
And then in 1985 came Back to the Future and all of a sudden everybody wanted a Delorean
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe return.in a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
is this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe return.in a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
Oh Terry, that's just wonderful!!! Enjoy it, have fun, and just see what happens. My husband was my boyfriend when I was 16 and he was 18, but we got torn apart due to the cruelty of my parents. It was nearly eighteen years later that we found each other again, thanks to the internet, but when we met again those years just dropped away in an instant, we were just 16 and 18 all over again! We're happily married now for several years already and we still enjoy every day together.
Second chances happen, who knows what you'll find Saturday!
samuel herd made a statement a few weeks ago about halting construction work, laying off bethel workers and reducing printing output: severe cutbacks all round.
he said, like the head of a household, the gb has to make sure the organisation is living within its means.
but he added a very careful phrase, something like: "be assured brothers these measures have not been taken as a result of any lack of financial support on your part.
But he added a very careful phrase, something like: "be assured brothers these measures have not been taken as a result of any lack of financial support on your part. You have been very generous."
I think this statement is made for another reason. It's a typical NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) trick! Example: "do NOT think of a pink elefant"... most of the people will see a pink elefant pop up in their mind's eye!
Saying "these measures have NOT been taken as a result of any LACK OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT ON YOUR PART"... is sending the message that that's exactle the case, it's a subconscious messages to the listeners that they are indeed to blame, they didn't pay enough. Result will be that they will start paying more, to get rid of the implemented feeling of guilt attached to the statement!
I've seen it on so many occasions in whatever they put in printing or online, they use a lot of NLP and hypnotic language to influence the minds of their sheepish followers!
also, my wife has come to her limits of understanding me about the witnesses related grief i have been having.
she has told me many times to stop reading the ex-witness sites because i get depressed and become angry, which sadly is true.
it's not very productive to be sad throughout the entire day and then shout at your wife for the reason she has no first hand experience about, therefore how could she possibly know and help?
Welcome GrownMidget, I hope you'll find inner peace one day. I've learned that the best place to search for that, is inside yourself... Nobody outside you can 'give' it to you.
And sometimes a break from reading ex-JW stuff can be helpful (but I know from experience that it stays a part of your life when you still have relatives that are JWs, so you'll be drawn back to the ex-JW stuff every now and then, but I try to not let it hit me emotionally what other people experience or have experienced. It's their 'stories', and I've got enough dealing with my own 'stories').
Anyway, I'm glad you decided to take a different road than your father! Well done!
i know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
the following is a paragraph from the new february study watchtower article "learn from jehovah's loyal servants.".
7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne [1] received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
after some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.