JoinedPosts by runForever
Apost8News: "Return to Jehovah" Official Literature Release Video - 2015 Convention Lowlight
by cappytan inagain, thanks to wifibandit and pixel for their work behind the scenes..
Tony this is you: "You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father." John 8:44 -
Governing Body
by Daym123 inhello,.
i am currently in a discussion with a jw about the governing body.. i have read alot of articles regarding it, however whenever i bring up what i have read, i am refuted with scripture, such as acts 15, where they say there was a governing body, who sent out elders and men etc.. does anyone have a website that i may not know of, that has answers to what they refute with?
or any help here or good thought provoking questions to respond with would be much appreciated.. thank you kindly.
Daym123: Let's say there was a governing body in bible times in Jerusalem. Does it follow that everybody who says they are the governing body is the actual governing body? That is like saying since Jesus is in the bible anybody who says they're Jesus is Jesus. Is there anything dubious about their claim for appointment? If the bible doesn't point to a date for the appointment of a governing body where does that leave them?
If you got together with some wise people one time to discuss something important would that make your group all of a sudden in charge of things? If Jesus was using a governing body in the first century why did he send Paul directly? Also why was the congregation of Antioch said to have sent Paul out? Further why did God's spirit directly prevent Paul from entering Macedonia?
Here is a question for you: If everybody in Adam is dying and everyone in Christ is living how are the Jehovah's Witnesses supposed to gain life?
Quick Question: Did Sanderson just get married?
by breakfast of champions ini'm fairly close to a source who would know.
and haven't heard anything indicating that.. but family said there was a pic of him on ig w/ his wife travelling to hawaii or something.. anyone know?.
I heard he was reproved for homosexuality. -
WT Conspiracy Theory - Pinky Ring - DUMB, I know
by cappytan inoh man, i know i'm gonna catch flack for this.. everyone sees masonic conspiracies everywhere.. i am not a conspiracy theorist.
i don't honestly believe the governing body are freemasons.. yet, probably due to cruising this site and seeing all the masonic conspiracy threads, i saw this when looking for a shot of lett's pinky ring to show how he wore one in october, but then took it off in may to ask for money.. .
original is on the left, and on the right, i played with the brightness/contrast to get it to show up a little better.. what does the pattern on his ring look like to you?.
It looks like two lines converge sort of like the star trek "A". other than that it looks like a 5 sided star with the lower
legs taller.
Throwing a wrench in child baptism.
by runForever in1 corinthians 7:14 tells us: "for the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy.".
so the sanctification of children of "christians" depends on the holiness of their parents not the "baptism" of young children.
1 Corinthians 7:14 tells us: "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy."
So the sanctification of children of "Christians" depends on the holiness of their parents not the "baptism" of young children.
I Should Have Just Kept Avoiding Their Videos
by OnTheWayOut ini have a 2011 new year resolution to avoid reading jw literature or watch their videos.i am not "religious" about it, and will watch/read excerpts, but pretty much stick with that resolution as it only angers me when i read the stuff.. well, someone posted their video of philippines disaster relief due to a 2013 typhoon as a response to a news article to demonstrate that they are not really helping and that it is just propaganda.
i watched the video and was immediately able to see what the hell is wrong with jw's and their leadership and, as i figured- i was angered.. so i will post this link, but then go back to not watching/reading.
it just isn't worth it.. in the video, when they knew the storm was coming, the pre-planned disaster relief people texted elders to warn them to evacuate.
Yes that would be telling if we knew when that typhoon hit tacloban.
It seems there are some clues though. Rodney Barcenas the elders says: "we are preparing for the typhoon because the news said we need to prepare. So I text everybody so I text everybody every elder in every congregation I text they need to evacuate to the separate place." Seems his story is cut off at this point in the video.
It seems here that he was texting them to find a safe place for shelter. The question is - was that advice from the branch? I agree though that the branches "preparedness" was not even as good as the general advice from the government.
I Should Have Just Kept Avoiding Their Videos
by OnTheWayOut ini have a 2011 new year resolution to avoid reading jw literature or watch their videos.i am not "religious" about it, and will watch/read excerpts, but pretty much stick with that resolution as it only angers me when i read the stuff.. well, someone posted their video of philippines disaster relief due to a 2013 typhoon as a response to a news article to demonstrate that they are not really helping and that it is just propaganda.
i watched the video and was immediately able to see what the hell is wrong with jw's and their leadership and, as i figured- i was angered.. so i will post this link, but then go back to not watching/reading.
it just isn't worth it.. in the video, when they knew the storm was coming, the pre-planned disaster relief people texted elders to warn them to evacuate.
I totally suspect foolery between the philipines branch and the local congregations that did not evacuate but where is the direct link that the congregation was following orders from the WTBS branch to hide in the kingdom hall?
Was it their own superstition to hide in the kingdom halls? Even though I suspect it was the philipines branch fault and more largely the whole organization for instilling the attitude of divine protection I don't see the evidence of the branch in the philipines advising sheltering in the KH.
JW's caught laughing at Child rapist accusers"
by Newly Enlightened injwvictims has done an excellent but disturbing article on how jw's feel about the child abuse problem..
Black congregations tend to use more gospel talk. -
If 2 or 3 are gathered and Jesus name is he there at the kingdom hall?
by runForever inso we have warning from christ in luke 21 not to follow the governing body.
but since 2 or 3 are gathered at the kingdom in his name is he there?
So we have warning from Christ in luke 21 not to follow the Governing body. But since 2 or 3 are gathered at the kingdom in his name is he there? -
...If The "WBT$ GB Rock Star Popes" Sold Their Watches...
by OUTLAW inwbt$ gb rock star popes and their fancy watches... .. are "extremely expensive" rolex watches being forced on the wbt$ rock star popes?!!...
are the watches just rolex "knock offs" so the wbt$ gb rock star popes only "appear wealthy"?!...
.. geoffrey jackson.
They are just following Jesus advice to "Keep on the watch."