JoinedPosts by runForever
leaving_quietly: The chart is a combinations of occurrences of 'faithful and discreet slave' and 'faithful slave'. 'Slave class' is usually at the end of 'faithful and discreet slave' so it's the same usually. I do note that maybe 'slave class' is used by itself but I think it's rare. -
NEW LIGHT FROM SLO CIRCUIT OVERSEER "Warning, Blood on Doorposts", "The Couple who Missed One Meeting Died With Their Kids, Don't Miss Any!
by Trailer Park Pioneer insorry, i messed up before i could put the right title on this new light from our circuit overseer, his visit show's a great desperation in the organization's mindset, adding more anxiety and guilt to jws who already feel they don't measure up!.
hi, i attended the circuit overseers visit and got really angry because our c.o.
gave information coming from the governing body's chief apologists regarding "meeting attendance" and "the couple who missed one meeting and lost their entire family because they did not get the "411" when armageddon was coming!
C.O.'s gotta collect their money somehow. More fear More money. -
wokeup: i'll be working on that. -
JW's have lost the will to Vacuum
by runForever indespite 2005 being a very popular year for vacuums vacuuming is now very unpopular with 0 mentions- an all time low.. awake magazine:.
Despite 2005 being a very popular year for vacuums vacuuming is now very unpopular with 0 mentions- an all time low.
Awake magazine:
Mentions in the WT
Christ Jesus:
Jesus Christ:
"Pornography" in WT Publications
by runForever inall books,magazines,brochures,km's:.
for a brief comparison jw kids from 1970-1997 were exposed to pornography articles.
only 14.4 times per year on average whereas jw kids from 1998-2014 were exposed to pornography articles 34.125 times per year on average which is an increase of 2.36 times more..
All books,magazines,brochures,KM's:
For a brief comparison jw kids from 1970-1997 were exposed to pornography articlesonly 14.4 times per year on average whereas jw kids from 1998-2014 were exposed to pornography articles 34.125 times per year on average which is an increase of 2.36 times more.
Chart: KM
Chart: WT 1950-2014
chart : Awake