2014 was the worst year ever for terrorism: U.S. Intel Chief (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/wrost-year-global-terrorism-2014-article-1.2130490)
Terror attacks reached their highest number in 2014 since 45 years of its history. In the first nine months of 2014, there were 13,000 terror acts that killed some 31,000 people!
This provides proofs for evolution in various ways:
1) We are evolving from being human to beasts (It was an easy evolution from vegetarian to non-vegetarians who started slitting the throat of innocent birds and domestic animals to slitting the throat of humans)
2) We evolved from the wise habit of prevention-better-than-cure to cure-better-than-prevention, then further evolved into fighting the symptoms rather than the roots
3) We evolved from the universal fraternity to building walls, and from self-correction to blame-game
We evolved from the wise habit of spending less than the income to spending more than the income.
Global debt markets burgeoned
to an estimated $100 trillion last year (http://www.hhse.biz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5268:global-debt-markets-hit-100-trillion-mark&catid=121:risks&Itemid=553)
Even householders in rich countries like Canada are no exception(http://globalnews.ca/news/1814419/household-debt-hits-record-levels-says-statistics-canada/)