Again,...Interesting study (by Karaite Jews ) on how to pronounce the Divine Name, the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH
The Masoretes of ancient times were Karaites too...
matthew 5:37 " just let your word yes mean yes, your no, no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
" rnwt.
question: .
Again,...Interesting study (by Karaite Jews ) on how to pronounce the Divine Name, the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH
The Masoretes of ancient times were Karaites too...
matthew 5:37 " just let your word yes mean yes, your no, no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.
" rnwt.
question: .
Interesting study (by Karaite Jews ) on how to pronounce the Divine Name, the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH
does anyone have an extra 2011 [english] bound volume kicking around, or are about to burn their literature?.
i would like to buy it.. i need a hard copy because they have pictures and the wt lib does not.. thank you.
Not very smart to put this request up here and on jwtalk
i asked when they would start offering gray bible and she said two weeks, then the only bro at the table saw my headphones in my hand started in by saying " i see you're plugged in, do you have a smartphone?
to which i said no, because i just had a feeling that must've been a new angle to tell folks about the new bible app.the sis said they would start offering it in two weeks the bro goes on to mention that you can download the app and you get the bible in five different languages and mentions some other stuff you can do onthe app, i said all this technology reminds when the society admonished you all to stay away from the interenet about 25 years ago .
you should've seen his face, he was smiling but was thinking "how does show know" behind that smile.
@Dis-Member the moment in 1991 that you talk about was when Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW in Switzerland. But at that time the general public did not have a clue for some years of what it was and how to use it. So next time,.. please get your facts straight Dis Member
i asked when they would start offering gray bible and she said two weeks, then the only bro at the table saw my headphones in my hand started in by saying " i see you're plugged in, do you have a smartphone?
to which i said no, because i just had a feeling that must've been a new angle to tell folks about the new bible app.the sis said they would start offering it in two weeks the bro goes on to mention that you can download the app and you get the bible in five different languages and mentions some other stuff you can do onthe app, i said all this technology reminds when the society admonished you all to stay away from the interenet about 25 years ago .
you should've seen his face, he was smiling but was thinking "how does show know" behind that smile.
@Dis-Member On October 24, 1995, the FNC unanimously passed a resolution defining the term Internet. This definition was developed in consultation with members of the internet and intellectual property rights communities. RESOLUTION: The Federal Networking Council (FNC) agrees that the following language reflects our definition of the term "Internet". "Internet" refers to the global information system that -- (i) is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; (ii) is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols; and (iii) provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein.
see for more history of the internet
i asked when they would start offering gray bible and she said two weeks, then the only bro at the table saw my headphones in my hand started in by saying " i see you're plugged in, do you have a smartphone?
to which i said no, because i just had a feeling that must've been a new angle to tell folks about the new bible app.the sis said they would start offering it in two weeks the bro goes on to mention that you can download the app and you get the bible in five different languages and mentions some other stuff you can do onthe app, i said all this technology reminds when the society admonished you all to stay away from the interenet about 25 years ago .
you should've seen his face, he was smiling but was thinking "how does show know" behind that smile.
@goddidit there is no such awake. The first Awake that was about internet is 7/22/1997
@Dis-Member As far as i know the internet was for universities and business till 1993 and it lasted till 1996 before it made a breakthrough among the general public. I was one of the pioneers in my own country (the netherlands one of the most internet & high speed penetrated countries on earth), that was in 1995
In 1991 the world wide web project was started and had still to be developed. In 1993 the first webbrowser Mosaic was made. See for example this chart from wikipedia that shows the internet users during time... ask yourself why the chart begins in 1996
i asked when they would start offering gray bible and she said two weeks, then the only bro at the table saw my headphones in my hand started in by saying " i see you're plugged in, do you have a smartphone?
to which i said no, because i just had a feeling that must've been a new angle to tell folks about the new bible app.the sis said they would start offering it in two weeks the bro goes on to mention that you can download the app and you get the bible in five different languages and mentions some other stuff you can do onthe app, i said all this technology reminds when the society admonished you all to stay away from the interenet about 25 years ago .
you should've seen his face, he was smiling but was thinking "how does show know" behind that smile.
25 yrs ago there was no internet for the general public. Besides that the way internet should be used or viewed upon is still the same as it always was.
hey does anyone have a circuit assembly today and tomorrow?
if so please post whatever you can about it!!
i didnt go today but will be there tomorrow to hear whats next in the crazy jw world!!!.
tomorrow you will hear that there are 5000 Baptisms every weekend and that in 2014 the number of printed different languages will go up from 600 to 1000.
i had posted this a few days ago and got no response, then i realized i had messed up the title, so here goes again;.
i have learned from a credible source that jws from the us have recently gone to morocco to witness, where the work is under ban, and while living there have lived under assumed names.
this is (according to my source) under the direction of the branch (i'm not sure which branch it would be, but i would guess france).
Shocked? You should be shocked about morrocan authorities that prohibit preaching by christians of any denomination. In WWII overhere in europe JW's also used other names to evade the Nazis. Does that shock you too?
so i waz reading the august 15 wt study article, elisha saw fiery chariots, do you?
and it made me think about this forum.
if you remember, syria was hunting god's prophet, elisha.
With all respect Stand for Pure Worship if you continue to the discussion you have here on this forum you have a poor spiritual outlook too.