Yes, as you say the reasons can be different. But we notice that in Africa the congregations are smaller than in Europe or North America, I don't know in Latin America or Asia.
Here is another case of anomalous growth of congregations.Two countries similar in number of publishers are Germany and Ghana.
2019 report
Germany max. p. 165,393 congregation 2,091
Ghana max. p. 144,570 congregation 2,167
Report 2024
Germany max.p. 177,240 congregation 1,979
Ghana max.p. 159.140 congregation 2,585
As you can see, Ghana has far fewer publishers than Germany but has 606 more congregations!
Everyone should make their own assessments, this would however explain the strange increase in congregations despite the fact that in Europe, in the US and Canada and other areas of the world congregations continue to be closed, merged and sold kingdom halls