Well as for Max Jammers take on it. Einstien expressed that finer speculation of science springs from religious feeling. So he is saying what caused scientific enquiry for him. It was the same for me. Maybe it's a Jewish thing, he expressed this in 1929 in New York. At this conference apparantly other scientists were saying words to the effect of keeping God out of the lab.
Religious feeling, athiest, agnostic, Spinoza's God, Personal God, Creator, Intelligent being.
All of the above words and pharazes can get us caught up in semantics. At age 50, I would say in loose terms Einstien believed in God, and that belief led him to his scientific enquiries and his amazing discoveries. I think Einstien actually did belive in God.
If any wish to argue the term "religious feeling" feel free to disagree with me.
From this excerpt I want to buy the book and learn more about him. I am interested in reading something I can grasp, that is not over my head. I may change my mind after reading more.
Kate xx