This message is great news that British JWs and bethelites can see something is up with the way donations are being spent.
Hopefully some will wake up due to this....if not they might just stop donating to this property development business.
Kate xx
a source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
This message is great news that British JWs and bethelites can see something is up with the way donations are being spent.
Hopefully some will wake up due to this....if not they might just stop donating to this property development business.
Kate xx
i received an e-mail today, which says, in part :.
" thank you for your email dated 19 august to the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse.
regarding your concerns about the jehovahs witness religion and your offer to provide further.
Phizzy well done,
I want to write to them too. What is their email address the link didn't work. As a victim of domestic Violence I would like them to investigate that along with child abuse. The action that elders take to tell JWs not to go to the police when a crime has been committed needs to be exposed.
If this enquiry highlights elders actively discourage JWs going to the police they might be held accountable and responsible and have to change their policies.
I have it on recording that an elder told me I was wrong to report domestic violence to the police.
Kate xx
i'm interested to know if anyone has been to see a medium/clairvoyant since leaving jw's.
i must admit now i can make my own choices i seem to have a fascination with it although haven't acted on it as a) am i just jumping into believing another load of rubbish?
and b) what if it really is the demons pretending to be loved ones!!
I haven't had any experience with mediums or fortune tellers, I asked the same question once on this site to see what evidence there was out there for the spirit world.
I found insufficient evidence. My niece goes to a fortune teller and I asked her if she was told her destiny was something negative would she try and pursue a different course to ensure a positive outcome. Her answer was she always had positive readings so there was no need to consider that question.
I thought this was very shortsighted of her. I can't quite see the purpose of trying to find out what the future holds, I believe through hard work and determination we make our own future, and some of it is out of our control which we just have to deal with and accept.
Kate xx
well, here i am.. hello world, mrs. eden sending regards to everyone.
my english is limited, so please go easy on me.. mrs. eden.
Welcome Mrs Eden,
It's nice to know a new JW want to fade away. If you want to use Bipolar and your reason for skipping meetings and you feel confident about it then that's a great exit plan.
Your exit plan has to fit in with you and make you feel in control
Take care
Kate xx
an older man and wife - ray and mary - got chatting to me today.
they were tourists admiring local wildlife.
i gave them a few tips on where to go to see some interesting things and it wasn't long before they were telling me about how awful the world is "nowadays" and paradise yadda yadda.
Interesting experience cofty,
I often talk to JWs when I am out and about. I feel there are some very genuine loving people trapped in the cult. On one particular Sunday I spoke to two sets of JWs at their trollies. One set was completely obtuse, arrogant and rude, the other brother was caring, kind and listened attentively.
Well done for still trying to help JWs get out. If we all do our bit we will wake up many to this cult
Kate xx
if god exists, he must be a god of freedom.
because he has endowed us with free-will, and never interferes with it (as confirmed by our own experiences).
that means he wants everyone to make their choice and reap the fruits accordingly.
Well I am not sure God is a benevolent being really as Punky has quite aptly pointed out.......thanks Punk great pic........but I do think God is the creator........and he has guided evolution at certain points.
I base this on Occam's Razor the simplest solution must be right.....but if there is any chemical evidence to support unguided processes I and open to changing my mind.
Kate xx
Amazing Angus and Jane.........she is very talented
Sam xx
so when i was at luch today, my wife was in full cult mode.
she started in on me about us not being able to hang with other witnesses and when i go to the meetings with her that i don't talk with nobody nor pay attention and act angry.
i told her that i don't want to fight and i have better things to do than argue.
if a woman wants to leave the org....more than likely the man will to. if the man wants to leave the org...more than likely the marriage is over. - GTTM
I know you feel from your perspective that this is the case, but I don't think it has anything to do with gender, I know of brothers that have left and brought their wives out with them and also sisters that have left and husbands still in or divorced like my relationship.
It really does depend on the individuals...........some are free thinking and some are heavily indoctrinated. I am really sorry that your wife seems to be heavily indoctrinated and you have tried everything Steve Hassan recommends in his book.
You have two options.........keep trying or accept she will never leave. Then you have to decide if you can live in a divided household.
You can't keep going through the motions as it's stressing you out.
Take care GTTM
Kate xx
so i usually get dressed for school at my job.
i couldn't today so i figured i'd drive by my parent's house and ask if i could change there seeing as they live two blocks from my house.
as i am pulling up to my parent's i see a familiar face.
So sorry you had this experience. Shunning is so terrible when immediate family members do it and they're conditioned to do it for your own good. Really how anyone on the receiving end of shunning for many years can ever say it was good for them is a surprise to me, but some are so indoctrinated they feel they deserve it.
Twisted religion
Kate xx
asia for the asians, africa for the africans, white countries for everybody!.
everybody says there is this race problem.
everybody says this race problem will be solved when the third world pours into every white country and only into white countries.. the netherlands and belgium are just as crowded as japan or taiwan, but nobody says japan or taiwan will solve this race problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.. everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country and only white countries to assimilate, i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.. what if i said there was this race problem and this race problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into every black country and only into black countries?. post is very ignorant I am afraid. This is a x JW website to help people exit a cult. Not for propaganda of this type. I am going to flag your post now to the moderators
Kate xx