Yes being Df'd and divorced is the worst possible exit a JW could have. Plan it well DD
Kate xx
i went for the kh today for personal reasons.
it was pretty dumb, but not horrible.
anyway the speaker used a terrible, but accurate illustration in his gb approved outline.
Yes being Df'd and divorced is the worst possible exit a JW could have. Plan it well DD
Kate xx
i went for the kh today for personal reasons.
it was pretty dumb, but not horrible.
anyway the speaker used a terrible, but accurate illustration in his gb approved outline.
Wow DD,
you're still going eh?
I was never submissive enough I kept fighting back until I recorded my JC and exposed them for their abuse
Kate xx
i am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Well you have plans to exit? Or are you going to stay in the WT?
Kate xx
i am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Very well written blog. It's very detailed. and also cover a lot of this material too. Perhaps you could go to those sites and gain more for your blog.
Have you read 'crisis of conscience' by Ray Franz? I think you would like it.
Kate xx
i am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Welcome's interesting to see that you developed doubts when you started getting exposed to WT procedures and policies as a MS.
I will read your blog now and tell you what I think
Take care
Kate xx
my husband has a brother he has not spoken too in years not even when he became an adult.
there is a big age gap between them and when his brother was df'd he was still a small child.
his brother was 17 when he was df'd for sex and when he turned 18 he left home and never looked back.
Sad situation.....looks like your BIL doesn't want anything to do with his family.
Very tricky......but I would contact him regularly and be patient about him responding.
Take care
Kate xx
hello all, i would like to first say that i am basically questioning my faith in god.
i am not negative towards the wt at all.
so honestly i am to concerned with more ad hominem attacks towards the wt because i still love the organization and the people in it.
I am not concerned with stories or examples of how they're horrible people. When it comes to personal experiences, I rarely believe them to be 100% true. - Qmf
Sounds to me like you're perfect for an elders role exactly the qualities WT like. When you start to develop concerns about those that have been mistreated you will be ready to explore you're doubts.
Nice to see you have started your journey.
Take care
Kate xx
I think the interviewer Alex was too confrontational as a witness I knew most JWs wouldn't enter into conversations like that.
JWs Are trained to look for humble teachable people.....not free thinking ones.
When I talk to them I usually appeal to their emotions and ask them what they think of my personal experience.
Some are very responsive and some shun me.
I don't think filming helps either
Kate xx
hello all, i would like to first say that i am basically questioning my faith in god.
i am not negative towards the wt at all.
so honestly i am to concerned with more ad hominem attacks towards the wt because i still love the organization and the people in it.
Welcome to the board Qmf,
Looks like you have left now. I don't think JWs are bad people but I do think the leadership has a lot to answer for.
There are many elders who don't belive in God and carry on their duties in WT. I believe that JWs like this have no integrity. They make decisions about people's lives claiming they have guidance by holy spirit but they are atheist/ agnostic. I abhor this kind of behaviour.
Hope you find some answers and retain your integrity.
Kate xx
my name is jack and i'm looking for after death communications from the jehovah witness community.
an after death communication (or adc) is when a loved one sends a kind of message to this side of life after their death.
it can be a dream or smell (like perfume or roses that would be attached to them in memory) or a feeling of their presence.
Well Jack..... Some people are satisfied with just a face to face sounds like you're looking for confirmation bias.
Estrella could have gone into a second hand Buddhist book shop where all the books have photos of Buddhist men and it was probable a book displayed a photo of a man that looked similar.
This is another possibility Jack. Would you not agree?
You don't want facts just stories
Kate xx