You think you know better and that the real answer is "magic". OK-cofty
LOL hahhaha Are you just baiting me young man???? I don't call it magic ok??
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
You think you know better and that the real answer is "magic". OK-cofty
LOL hahhaha Are you just baiting me young man???? I don't call it magic ok??
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Thank you cofty for the paper
I have read it before and don't grasp where your proof is. This is the conclusion
CONCLUSION Asymmetric autocatalysis with amplification of enantiomeric excess in the Soai reaction is an area under study and development. The kinetic studies of Blackmond and coworkers have provided insight into the mechanism of the Soai reaction. However, a complete mechanism for the Soai reaction is rate = k[3][3][5]active (3) rate = k[7][7][5]active (4) N N H O N N H O Zn(iPr)2 (iPr)2Zn 3 7 4 Scheme 3. Aldehyde-Zinc Complex and Blackmond's Revised Model 8 going to require a description of how the chiral information passes through the autocatalytic cycle. The full elucidation of the mechanism of the Soai reaction should pose a very interesting area of future research for organic chemists and allow extension and rational development of this very promising area.
After reading this this what I draw from it is that we have an understanding of why homochirality exists in nature. Why does it prove to you there is no God?
Kate xx
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
How one type of enantiomers came to dominate life was succinctly resolved by Saoi.-cofty
Why do you use the term resolved? I would say he discovered what was already happening in nature. Why does this prove there is no God to you personally cofty.......I am interested genuinely?
Kate xx
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
It's been proven time and time again that you've no idea what you're talking about.-Viv
What have I said that is incorrect chemistry, you the one who doesn't understand what I am talking about as you don't enter into a chemical conversation with me.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Clearly state your position that you think is correct-Viv
I will repeat for you Viv.
Normally when talking in layman's terms we would describe enantionmers as being the same molecule but a mirror image just like a left and right hand. Using lego can slightly distract from the fact that they are in fact the same molecule.
They have all the same properties and when formed in the lab the left and right hand form a racemic mixture which is 50% of each enantiomer or stereo isomer. Soai did not show that in nature there is a racemic mixture. This is an incorrect statement you made cofty. Sorry.
Soai showed that an auto catalyst was involved in order for a majority of left handed molecules only were formed in nature. This is not like throwing heads five time in a row, it's like throwing heads a million times in a row. The L-enantiomer in nature is not a slight surplus it's a huge majority. This is called a homochiral mixture.
Cofty said all this means there is no magic involved. This statement is strawman and has no substance. Cofty said he can prove God does not exist. How has he proved proved this to me?
I am not saying it's magic, I am saying an auto catalyst is evidence of guidance.
Nobody has proven my chemistry is wrong. Where is the evidence Viv?
Kate xx
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
It's been proved, just not to you because you've not bothered to learn enough to understand the evidence. The problem is not lack of proof presented to you, it's lack of effort to understand it on your part.-Viv
Actually it's you who has not bothered to learn enough about chemistry and homochirality in nature to understand the evidence. Nobody has shown me where I have made an error. I welcome anyone who understands chemistry to show me my mistake
Kate xx
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Kate you have totally misrepresented the facts.- cofty
No I haven't my facts are correct all you have to do is google enantiomers. My chemistry is correct cofty. You say you have proof God does not exist and all you can say is that I have misrepresented the facts.
You are talking nonsense cofty and you know it. I am openminded about your premise, but you are not giving me anything verifiable. You are just saying you think I am wrong.
I am a chemical analyst and I have other chemical analysts on this board that can back me up about homochirality and racemic mixtures. But anyone seeing our exchange can google the information if they like and confirm I did not misrepresent the facts.
I am challenging you cofty to prove to me where I am wrong and you are right. I don't want to be wrong any longer than I need to be. Show me proof if you have it.
Kate xx
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Kate i assume you mean in our solar system, not a general statement.-WMF
hahaha lol Steven Hawkins wrote a book about aliens. I found it to be nonsense. I think it's highly unlikely anywhere in outer space life has evolved. But I am open to looking at evidence.
Kate xx
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
I looked at the link, it's not a story about flowing water on Mars. It's just the homepage of NASA.
This is a better link
Kate xx
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Aliens or even microbes don't exist on other planets. The last time NASA found water particles on Mars it was revealed it came from human technology from earth.
Lets see what the actual press release says
Kate xx