Lovely Simon very good hahhaha
Kate xx
with the christmas almost upon us i would like to share a personal experience with you about drinking and driving.. as you may know the local police are having a serious go at drink drivers this year... well, a couple of days ago i was out for an evening with friends and had a small number of drinks before dinner, followed by some rather nice red wine.
feeling jolly i still had the sense to know that i may be very slightly over the limit.. that's when i did something that i've never done before - i took a taxi home.. sure enough on the way home there was a police road check, but since it was a taxi they waved it past.
i arrived home safely without incident.. this was a real surprise as i had never driven a taxi before, i don't know where i got it and now that it's in my garage i don't know what to do with it.. any ideas?.
Lovely Simon very good hahhaha
Kate xx
.just plucking up the courage to introduce in ireland but from the uk originally.
..drifted away due to depression (from all things truth related lol and bereavements and my m.s husband cheating on me and leaving !!
) few years ago but they recently hunted me down (they contacted me the day my other half was diagnosed with cancer!
I am so sorry what has happened to you. It's so unforgivable the way they have harassed you just so they can use their power to df you.
These elders are scumbags that have stopped your daughter and mother talking to you when you need them most.
Their logic is flawed. You are not committing any sins as your fiance is battling cancer and is unable to fornicate. So their conclusions are unacceptable and you have been out for a number of years.
This is obvious evidence for you that holy spirit is not guiding them. Love and kindness is not their driving force. All they enjoy is having power and control over you.
I hope your daughter and your mother feel for you and start supporting you soon. You never know they may. I very much hope so.
Kate xx
i'm a naughty girl, i love it, it makes me laugh & i love to laugh.
life is so serious, not enough smiles i think.
my husband got me a new toy, it's the fart gun from despicable me.
Why do we call sex and kinks "naughty"? Is it because we have been conditioned?
I have a healthy sexual appetite and like exploring and experimenting......and I have been into sex shops.
I don't view this as's healthy and interesting and fun
Kate xx
this question is for the ladies out there, but if you are a man and you'd like to share your thoughts on the following topic you are welcomed to do so.
given the wt society's view on women, did any of you ladies gave up on the idea of getting married "in the truth".
in such case, did you sometimes feel that you were missing out?
Being a single sister JW is very different from being married in WT. Both has it's negatives as the WT is very misogynistic.
I choose now that I am divorced to date non JW men until I meet someone I love again. I have a boyfriend right now and it's great to know someone cares and they are there for you.
Kate xx
so 550,00 homes in lancaster without power because of flooding in a substation caused by desmond.
including my daughter who is at university there.
no electricity.
Sounds awful.....sorry to hear how you're affected.
Kate xx
my 94 year old jw dad is now in hospital--i visit him every day.. in the opposite corner of the ward were a group of visitors to an oldish chap.
my dub-dar caught words like kingdom hall and watchtower from the rather loud voiced woman i took to be the patients wife.
she also mentioned a dub by name ive known for 40+years--so i guessed they are in the local congregation to my dad.. as i was leaving--the woman said to me--"what a loving --dutiful son i am.
Thanks for telling us your experience. Glad you have contact with your son and can show the JWs what's good in your lives.
Sorry to hear your dad is unwell
Kate xx
just a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
I need to gather info from both parties so that i'm able to fully understand what it is all about. - Esmeralda
Excellent plan. Good for you.
Kate xx
so on last saturday, one of my good child hood friends (i consider her like a real sister) who is da posted on facebook that she was going to be having a birthday party for her son.
well another person we grew up with immediately posted a comment about how she should know better then to celebrate bdays and referenced 2 peter 2:20-22 (about being like a dog turning to its own vomit).
i countered with with luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.
"going beyond what is written" and forcing all these additional rules on the people they control. - WOB
Ok my mistake. I see your point.
Kate xx
so on last saturday, one of my good child hood friends (i consider her like a real sister) who is da posted on facebook that she was going to be having a birthday party for her son.
well another person we grew up with immediately posted a comment about how she should know better then to celebrate bdays and referenced 2 peter 2:20-22 (about being like a dog turning to its own vomit).
i countered with with luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.
I countered with with Luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.- WOB
I can see your perspective here. I looked up the scriptures. I can see why you are calling the FB poster a Pharasee, but I would have gone with a different approach. You may have got a response and some dialogue if you had tried to reason with them. Personally I feel name calling is unproductive and it feeds into their persecution complex. If just JWs were doing the name calling they may look at themselves a little closer.
Having said all of this, at least you stood up for your friend the way you thought best.
Kate xx
just a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
Welcome to JWN Esmeralda,
You know there is something wrong. You are right. Changing congregation won't fix the problem. Go with your instincts. Keep us informed of your progress.
Kate xx