Welcome Joe,
Glad you escaped and had a fun life
Kate xx
just signed up and wanted to introduce myself.
i had 1 x-mas and 1 birthday before both my parents joined the jw's around 1966 or 67 being 1 year old i don't remember them (the holidays), to this day holidays are nothing to me (thanks jw's).
i never really believed the bible or jw literature.
Welcome Joe,
Glad you escaped and had a fun life
Kate xx
i was once a person who believed in god destroying 7 billion people so a few people could live in paradise.. when the penny finally dropped and i realised what as a jehovah's witnesses i was really praying for , it made me feel sick.
what is attractive about a person that prays for this world to end .
i was ashamed to have been a witness deeply ashamed .
Well I was always of the belief that Jehovah was just and save all good hearted people even if they were not witnesses as he can read hearts, and that some JWs with bad hearts would be destroyed.
All nonsense of course but I never prayed for other innocent people to die
Kate xx
speaking with inlaws i another congregation today who said exactly what is being said in our own hall.
the trolly work is long and boring and no one even notices they are there anymore but walk right on by.
jehovah really is speeding up the work lol.
It's actually quite funny to see how the WT business model of today is unproductive. I think the decision makers are more interested in saving money than people's lives at Armagedon. They probably don't think it's coming themselves lol
Kate xx
today has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
Terrible news, especially as she did it to get reinstated. So sad. Better to be alive with a child and df'd than be dead and the child grow up with no mother. Awful.
Kate xx
hey all.
i haven't posted in forever and a day, but i feel like this is a great place to ask this question because of so many people who are unsure of their beliefs.
my mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer about four years ago.
Hi ilikecheese,
So sorry to hear about your ordeal. I can understand the willingness to believe there is a place where our loved ones go. I believe and always have since I can remember is that once you're brain dead, there are no more thoughts left and no more existence.
I believe this as I have never spoken to a dead person who is in a happy place. I have never had any supernatural experiences.
I hope you can figure this out if you need to
Kate xx
hi one and all.. i've lurked for 3 years, about time i signed up.. i'm a still in ms due to family.. fully awake.. i look forward to getting to know all of you..
Welcome Grey Goose,
Very happy to know you are awake, but also very sorry to know you have been trapped in a cult for three years knowing it's all nonsense.
But there are a few on the board that are awake and have been religiously attending WT for a number of years. For me I couldn't listen to the nonsense, and I am in constant pain being so isolated, but going to the KH would be worse for me.
I suppose we are all different and need to leave in our own way.
Welcome again
Kate xx
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
I tried high school for a few months but my parents took me out for having too many "worldly" friends.-BlackWolf
Your parents were being controlling when they did this and no wonder it caused the next sequence of events. You are being abused, and I am very concerned for you.
I hope staying this isolated doesn't cause you any more mental issues. You need human contact and friends and fun.
Take Care
Kate xx
hey guys!
i have written an article on my exit from the watchtower.
i am 17 years old and leaving has been the best decision that i have ever made.
I have read your story. It's nice to get to know you. Very well written and interesting. Welcome to JWN
Kate xx
i decided to put an end to my affiliation with the jws for good.
this decision is not the result of an irrational impulse.
it is quite the contrary.
Well Esmeralda,
That was a great thread to read and all your responses to other posters were really nice, you have made some friends here that truly understand your experience.
You have also learned a life lesson about inappropriate behaviour and adults. I think you manage yourself really well and you will go far in your chosen career. I am sorry your parents need looking after but I hope this will not stop you from achieving your career goals.
Well done
Kate xx
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
I don't know if you will see this as you're not on often, but I have followed your whole story on here. I am very concerned for you and you only seem to have this forum as an external outlet to express yourself.
You need a real friend. I hope you can build the courage to get out your house and mix with people your age very soon.
Take Care
Kate xx