I like that story. I think that many who don't wake up and leave are still scared of demons and believe in the paranormal.
Kate xx
so said my pops one morning.
we were visiting my sister in eastern tennessee and the night before after everyone else went to bed pops was watching tv when all of a sudden and completely on it's own the tv changed to the tonight show, holy smokes!!
must be demons cause pops didn't change it!
I like that story. I think that many who don't wake up and leave are still scared of demons and believe in the paranormal.
Kate xx
(that is, doubts).
in margaret atwood's "the handmaid's tale", a futuristic story of life inside a repressive, abusive big brother-style society tightly controlled by religious fundamentalists, there's a passage in which the protagonist is alone with another woman at a state-controlled centre where prayers are generated -- then printed out and read out -- by a machine.
the other woman asks, in barely more than a whisper, "do you think god listens to these machines?
Well you obviously told your wife and she agreed, some JWs can't even tell their spouses or family members. It depends on your personal experiences within your cong and if they have also been treated unjustly.
Kate xx
in many debates between believers and non believers (nb), the nb uses evolution as some sort of proof to support the non existence of god.. i agree that evolution is a fact, however i feel that evolution is proof of some sort of benevolent original cause.. if i were to create an a.i.
, i would program into it the ability to self-refactor and evolve.. i would also randomly inject viruses into the program (evil) where the a.i.
would be forced to stretch its current capabilities & modify it's operating functions in order to get through the random virus, and continue living.. with a steady flow of different viruses, the a.i.
The fact that those speaking on evolution tend to also be atheists doesn't mean they are attacking your god when laying out evolution facts. - fmf
Lol this is hilarious, Dawkins is well known as a fundie that attacks God. He wrote a book called "The God Delusion" he is an evolutionary biologist saying that anyone who believes in God is delusional.
FMF you crease me up hahahahhahahaha!!!!!! You're talking utter nonsense
Love you though
Kate xx
sorry but i really feel like i need to rant right now.
recently my dad was made an elder so my family has been doing a lot more "theocratic" activities lately.
every morning i wake up and put on my itchy dress and stupid makeup and heels and then pretend that i love what i'm doing and that everybody is my friend when in reality i feel horrible and all the other teenage girls at my hall hate me for some reason.
Well done for all the positive things you are doing to better yourself. It's so nice to see you are productive and talented. I am sorry you're feeling isolated and that's where your real problem is, hopefully soon you can have some real friends who care about you and enjoy your hobbies.
Kate xx
one of my pop's favorite bible quotes.
as a youngster as soon as i could open the refrigerator, the old man would say "bryan get me a beer", and i was rewarded a drink or two from the can, 50 years later, i am an alcoholic, good news is i realize i am an alcoholic and am working on it.
actually hope to replace the booze with weed, as i can get violent with booze, but just chill with weed.
I wish you all the best with working on your alcoholism, it takes a lot to admit it to yourself. Well done
Kate xx
just signed up and wanted to introduce myself.
i had 1 x-mas and 1 birthday before both my parents joined the jw's around 1966 or 67 being 1 year old i don't remember them (the holidays), to this day holidays are nothing to me (thanks jw's).
i never really believed the bible or jw literature.
Welcome Joe,
Glad you escaped and had a fun life
Kate xx
i was once a person who believed in god destroying 7 billion people so a few people could live in paradise.. when the penny finally dropped and i realised what as a jehovah's witnesses i was really praying for , it made me feel sick.
what is attractive about a person that prays for this world to end .
i was ashamed to have been a witness deeply ashamed .
Well I was always of the belief that Jehovah was just and save all good hearted people even if they were not witnesses as he can read hearts, and that some JWs with bad hearts would be destroyed.
All nonsense of course but I never prayed for other innocent people to die
Kate xx
speaking with inlaws i another congregation today who said exactly what is being said in our own hall.
the trolly work is long and boring and no one even notices they are there anymore but walk right on by.
jehovah really is speeding up the work lol.
It's actually quite funny to see how the WT business model of today is unproductive. I think the decision makers are more interested in saving money than people's lives at Armagedon. They probably don't think it's coming themselves lol
Kate xx
today has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
Terrible news, especially as she did it to get reinstated. So sad. Better to be alive with a child and df'd than be dead and the child grow up with no mother. Awful.
Kate xx
hey all.
i haven't posted in forever and a day, but i feel like this is a great place to ask this question because of so many people who are unsure of their beliefs.
my mom was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer about four years ago.
Hi ilikecheese,
So sorry to hear about your ordeal. I can understand the willingness to believe there is a place where our loved ones go. I believe and always have since I can remember is that once you're brain dead, there are no more thoughts left and no more existence.
I believe this as I have never spoken to a dead person who is in a happy place. I have never had any supernatural experiences.
I hope you can figure this out if you need to
Kate xx