I have a circle of friends.....one of them is round, and one is straight but gay
Kate xx
"christ, not this again!
there's a serious point to be made here however.
somebody published a study in the journal of personality and social psychology showing that disagreements about what constitutes a circle depend on your political perspective.
I have a circle of friends.....one of them is round, and one is straight but gay
Kate xx
was not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
I think the military in most countries is corrupt and takes advantage of the soldiers especially the young teenagers.
I do respect the soldiers who serve but would never serve myself. I would not want either of my kids to go that route as I don't want them to be subjected to harsh training and mistreatment that some have to endure. But if they chose to do so I would not object.
My daughter nearly married a military policeman. His training was rough and he was very sick. Sadly things did not work out for them. But I am glad my daughter does not have to spend months at a time without her husband.
It's not a perfect life for those in the military so I thank them for their sacrifices.
Kate xx
i've been awake now for about 6 months i'd guess and a member here for a couple of weeks.
it's been eye opening to read other peoples experiences on here and i appreciate all of you.
i've noticed in many, seemingly most, of your comments that you were not treated well at your hall or you have had very negative experiences in the "org" so i thought i'd like to share mine.. in all my time as a jw i have to say for the most part i always loved the people.
I was told by an elder that "...no MS tells me what to do", PB
I have seen this happening to MS's a lot if they stand up to elders or expose something that might be wrong and then they are treated unfairly. It is very common.
Kate xx
i don't think you'd recognise me much at all.
i'm a royal mail postman, i love my job for the early starts and midday finish, the outdoors and the exercise.. i get on with people but i'm quite insular and don't enjoy crowds.
i'm happiest when i've fired up the charcoal and i'm making souvlaki or adana kebabs for my family and a few close friends.
i've been awake now for about 6 months i'd guess and a member here for a couple of weeks.
it's been eye opening to read other peoples experiences on here and i appreciate all of you.
i've noticed in many, seemingly most, of your comments that you were not treated well at your hall or you have had very negative experiences in the "org" so i thought i'd like to share mine.. in all my time as a jw i have to say for the most part i always loved the people.
I agree with you that the majority of JWs are loving and sincere. I had a lot of close loved ones. But since I left they don't see me regularly are contact me. If I was to contact them they would talk to me even though I am df'd, but there is no relationship any more.
I was out to lunch with some work friends and I saw two JWs come in and they sat on the table next to us. I said hello to them and greeted them kindly and they reciprocated. When they left I gave one of them a hug goodbye. They were nice and pleasant but not genuinely interested why I stopped going.
Is this being nice? What is being nice and genuine?
Kate xx
i don't think you'd recognise me much at all.
i'm a royal mail postman, i love my job for the early starts and midday finish, the outdoors and the exercise.. i get on with people but i'm quite insular and don't enjoy crowds.
i'm happiest when i've fired up the charcoal and i'm making souvlaki or adana kebabs for my family and a few close friends.
So have you ever met anyone Nic? I have invited you a few times. I have met some exJWs and they are really nice in real life. Some are from JWN and some aren't.
Meeting up is good. Come meet me sometime. I have a spare double bed for you both if you want to come and visit
Kate xx
i'm not sure if you ever share analytics data.. but i've been noticing a trend.
it seems that every time a new jw broadcast, we get a seeming increase in new members the week after.. does the data show that?.
I haven't noticed this....but it would be interesting to know if the broadcasts are waking people up.
If you know the broadcasts woke you up why not tell us on this thread.
Kate xx
warning of a long boring post ahead.
i feel like i need to vent my story out, as i feel quite helpless at the moment.. i'm 31 year old, married, father of toddler with another one on the way, due later this month.
i've been serving as elder for about 4 years now in a south florida congregation.
Bonsai....great post xx
what sort of ex jw books do you folks like to read?.
i want to write another one.. i'm wondering what my next project should be...............
To be honest Punk I am all read out of exJW literature. I read COC which woke me up and CCMC to help me wake up my family. But for me personally I like reading things that are completely far removed from JW life. Sorry to say that, but there are plenty of forum members that would read your books
Keep going strong with your projects
Kate xx
Good point Juan,
I was already df'd when my youtube came out but I still didn't use my face. Something to think about xx